Purpose. Investigate the history of Clematis breeding in the M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden (NBG), NAS of Ukraine, determine the main directions of hybrid Clematis breeding work. Results. It was established that the result of more than 16 years of breeding Clematis in the NBG was the selection of the 61 perspective hybrid, 42 of which, the most perspective, were assigned names. Of these, largeflowered varieties are the most numerous according to the distribution of variety groups in the current Royal Horticultural Society of Great Britain classification. In particular, Late Largeflowered account for about 40% of the total and Early Largeflowered for about 29%. Smallflowered hybrids make up the smaller part, of which about 26% belong to the Viticella group and one hybrid (‘Sputnik’) to the Integrifolia. The known directions of distribution of hybrid Сlematis of the NBG breeding indicate the possibility of their successful cultivation both in continental and maritime areas with a high level of humidity in the temperate zone and in the dry Mediterranean climate of the subtropical climate zone, which reveals their significant adaptive potential. Conclusions. Obtaining varieties of hybrid Clematis of domestic breeding is important for the implementation of sustainable horticulture practices on the territory of Ukraine, since a significant part of the modern introduced assortment of Clematis raises doubts about their adaptability to the local climate, and requires additional research into their adaptive potential. A successful combination in vertical landscaping of NBGbred Clematis belonging to different varietal groups can ensure continuous flowering from May to the end of the season. These unique characteristics of Clematis ensure the creation of not only environmentally sustainable, but also visually appealing spaces that will contribute to the overall health and beauty of the urban environment.