Let be a field, G a group, and (Q, I) a bound quiver. A map is called a G-weight on Q, which defines a G-graded -category , and W is called homogeneous if I is a homogeneous ideal of the G-graded -category . Then we have a G-graded -category . We can then form a smash product of and G, which canonically defines a Galois covering with group G [we will see that all such Galois coverings to have this form for some W]. First we give a quiver presentation of the smash product . Next if (Q, I, W) is defined by a Brauer graph with an admissible weight, then the smash product is again defined by a Brauer graph, which will be computed explicitly. The computation is simplified by introducing a concept of Brauer permutations as an intermediate one between Brauer graphs and Brauer bound quivers. This extends and simplifies the result by Green–Schroll–Snashall on the computation of coverings of Brauer graphs, which dealt with the case that G is a finite abelian group, while in our case G is an arbitrary group. In particular, it enables us to delete all cycles in Brauer graphs to transform it to an infinite Brauer tree.
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