Recently, there have been works on dynamical compactification of string cosmology that can produce inflation consistent with current observations. Moduli, scalar fields characterizing the shape and the size of the extra dimensions, including dilaton and axion, play a key role in string cosmology. Since the vacuum expectation value of the dilaton determines the strength of the gravitational coupling, a rolling dilaton implies a changing gravitational constant. Also, since the extra dimensions should be compact and small through the cosmological evolution of the early universe, the volume modulus of the extra dimensions (radion) should be stabilized in any cosmological models based on string theory. To stabilize the moduli fields in string theory, various models and mechanisms were introduced [1]. One way to stabilize the moduli is using the framework of string or brane gas cosmology based on the mechanism of Brandenberger and Vafa [2,3]. A gas of extended objects (strings and branes) can affect the evolution of the universe in the presence of a nontrivial topology where winding modes are allowed. Strings or branes can be coupled to a cosmological background in the same way as a gas of point particles is coupled to a background of standard Einstein gravity. Many works to develop a stringy mechanism to stabilize the volume or shape moduli have been done in the brane gas formalism [4–18]. The key problem in fixing the dilaton and the radion is that their potential is flat and their vacuum expectation value cannot be determined perturbatively. Some nonperturbative effects must be introduced to stabilize them. For example, a nonperturbatively-generated potential from gaugino condensation was considered to stabilize the dilaton and the radion [19]. Some other factors
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