The Braganca Peninsula, in northern Brazil is characterized by macrotides (4 m) and specific edaphic conditions, which determine the local mangrove forest’s development. This study, conducted during the dry season evaluated the spatial patterns of Rhizophora mangle and Avicennia germinans species across an inundation gradient. Along a transect of 700 m, measurements of structure forest, soil moisture, porewater salinity, extractable phosphorus (extr.-P) in sediments, and phosphorus in the leaves (leaf-P) were conducted. The A. germinans (100 %) occurred in high intertidal (HI) zone. A. germinans (59 %) and R. mangle (41 %) co-occurred in mid intertidal (MI) zone, while R. mangle (58 %) predominated in low intertidal (LI) zone, followed by A. germinans (37 %) and Laguncularia racemosa (5 %). Covariance analysis (ANCOVA) indicated that salinity and soil moisture means are significantly different between the mangrove forests, but do not correlate with inundation frequency (IF). The means of extr.-P were significantly different in mangrove forests and correlated with IF and leaf-P. The inundation frequency, the availability of P in the sediments, phosphorus in the leaves and interstitial salinity are all important factors contributing to the distribution of the mangrove tree species A. germinans and R. mangle on the Braganca Peninsula.
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