In this study attempts were made to investigate how one could differentiate the leukemoid reaction induced in C57BL mice by saponin from true leukemia.The results obtained were as follows.1. Observation of the growth zone of bone marrow tissue culture (Hiraki's tissue culture slide No.1; Depth 0.2 mm) of these mice revealed that immature blood cells were seen densely packed in the central portion around the explant, but in the intermediate to the peripheral zones the cells were scattered less dense; in these latter zones were found mainly leukocytes that were more mature and had more vigorous migratory capacity.Namely, the growth pattern in the leukemoid reaction of these mice was normal and distinctly different from that of mouse leukemia. The growth zone of leukemic bone marrow extremely dense in cellularity and its boundary was sharply defined.Neutrophils that appeared in the growth zone proportionally increased in number to the progression of the leukemoid reaction in these mice. The growth area, wandering velocity of neutrophils and cell density in the leukemoid reaction were subnormal than those of normal mice.The cytomorphologic structure of blood cells studied by vital staining was normal in the leukemoid reaction and did not show atypical cells observed in mouse leukemia. Besides, characteristic crystals were seen in each cytoplasm of neutrophils that appeared in the growth area of bone marrow tissue culture from saponin-treated mice.Megakaryocytes that appeared in the growth zone of bone marrow tissue culture (Hiraki's tissue culture slide No.2; Depth 0.6 mm) from saponin-treated mice were decreased in number, but their function was well preserved.2. The growth pattern of spleen tissue culture (Hiraki's tissue culture slide No.1) from saponin-treated mice was similar to that of bone marrow.Megakaryocytes appeared abundantly in the growth zone of spleen tissue culture (Hiraki's tissue culture slide No.2) in proportion to the progression of the leukemoid reaction but were not seen in the normal control.3. In normal bone marrow and spleen tissues cultured in the medium with an addition of saponin saline solution, both the growth area and cell function were suppressed than in the control without an addition of saponin saline solution.4. On the fluorescence microscopic observation of bone marrow tissue culture from saponin-treated mice, the growth area was diffusely red, because the myeloid series contained red fluorescent granules.Among them were scattered yellow and green fluorescence due to the presence of lymphocytes, monocytes, and various degenerated cells. These pictures were the same as the normal control.In myelogenous mouse leukemia, the growth zone had green colour with reddish stipplings and its boundary was well defined. This was because blasts were green and a few mature leukocytes contained granules of a reddish orange colour.Next, the growth zone of spleen from the leukemoid reaction observed under a fluorescence microscope, the zone was diffusely reddish orange in colour and intermingled with scattered yellow green colour.In the normal control, the growth zone exhibited diffusely yellow green colour, in which orange fluorescence was scattered.In myelogenous mouse leukemia, the growth area of spleen showed a similar colour and pattern to those of the bone marrow tissue culture.
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