The purpose of this study is to provide a simple, feasible and effective patient-to-image registration method for robot-assisted long bone osteotomy, which has rarely been systematically reported. The practical requirement is to meet the accuracy of 1mm or even higher without bone-implanted markers. A hybrid feature-based registration method termed CR-RAMSICP is proposed. Point-based coarse registration (CR) is accomplished relying on the optical retro-reflective markers attached to the tracked rigid body fixed out of the bone. In surface-based fine registration, an improved iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm based on the range-adaptive matching strategy (termed RAMSICP) is presented to cope with the robust precise matching between the asymmetric patient and image point clouds, which avoidsconverging to a local minimum. A series of registration experiments based on the isolated porcine iliums are carried out. The results illustrate that CR-RAMSICP not only significantly outperforms CR and CR-ICP in the accuracy and reproducibility, but also exhibits better robustness to the CR errors and less sensitiveness to the distribution and number of fiducial points located in the patient point cloud than CR-ICP. The proposed registration method CR-RAMSICP canstably satisfythedesiredregistration accuracy without the use of bone-implanted markers like fiducial screws. Besides, the RAMSICP algorithm used in fine registration is convenient for programming because any complex metrics or models are not involved.