Shark fishery is one of the most important activities in the Mexican Pacific coast, nevertheless, there is few data available about the specific captures done by the fleet along the coast. This study describes fishery biology aspects of the shark species catched by the semi-industrial long-line fleet of Manzanillo. Monthly samplings were made on board of these vessels during an annual period from April 2006 to April 2007. Captured species composition (n = 1 962 organisms) was represented by nine species. The one that sustains this fishery was Carcharhinus falciformis (88.12%), followed by Prionace glauca (8.21%). Low frequency species were represented by Sphyrna zygaena (1.78%), Alopias pelagicus (0.82%), Carcharhinus longimanus (0.45%). Furthermore, rare species were Alopias superciliosus (0.35%), Carcharhinus leucas (0.1%), Carcharhinus limbatus (0.1%) and Isurus oxyrinchus (0.05%). Fishery activity affected principally (60-92.70%) young males of C. falciformis, S. zygaena, C. longimanus and I. oxyrinchus; adult males (56-75%) of A. pelagicus, A. superciliosus, and C. limbatus; for P. glauca there were primarily female adults. For all the species found, females showed the bigger sizes when compared to males (with the exception of S. zygaena, that showed sexual dimorphism). Considering the lineal regressions made between precaudal length and total length, and, fork length and total length for C. falciformis, P. glauca, S. zygaena and A. pelagicus, the determination coefficients (r2) showed that both lengths can be useful to obtain the total length of fish with some damage or absence of its caudal fin. The estimated fecundity for C. falciformis was of 3-7 offspring/female of 30-45 cm LT (average of 40.57 +/- 2.03 cm LT); and for P. glauca 5-52 offspring/female of 5-18.6 cm LT (average of 11.61 +/- 0.21 cm LT). In the case of C. longimanus only one female was captured with a total of eight embryos, with an average of 45 cm LT each; for this reason we assumed that the fishery areas do not coincide with the nursery oness for this species. According to the information obtained, we concluded that C. falciformis has a concurrent cycle and P. glauca a consecutive biannual one.