Recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has identifiedthat a finite-range Fröhlich electron–phonon interaction (EPI) withc-axis polarized optical phonons is important in cuprate superconductors, in agreement withan earlier proposal by Alexandrov and Kornilovitch. The estimated unscreened EPI is sostrong that it could easily transform doped holes into mobile lattice bipolarons innarrow-band Mott insulators such as cuprates. Applying a continuous-time quantumMonte Carlo algorithm (CTQMC), we compute the total energy, effective mass,pair radius, number of phonons and isotope exponent of lattice bipolarons in theregion of parameters where any approximation might fail, taking into account theCoulomb repulsion and the finite-range EPI. The effects of modifying the interactionrange and different lattice geometries are discussed with regards to analyticalstrong-coupling/non-adiabatic results. We demonstrate that bipolarons can besimultaneously small and light, provided suitable conditions on the electron–phononand electron–electron interactions are satisfied. Such light small bipolarons are anecessary precursor to high-temperature Bose–Einstein condensation in solids.The light bipolaron mass is shown to be universal in systems made of triangularplaquettes, due to a novel crab-like motion. Another surprising result is that thetriplet–singlet exchange energy is of the first order in the hopping integral and thattriplet bipolarons are much heavier than singlets in certain lattice structures.Finally, we identify a range of lattices where superlight small bipolarons may beformed, and give estimates for their masses in the anti-adiabatic approximation.