Objective: Presentation of a complete theory of management of the state of agrocenoses, including sowing crops and weeds. This theory makes it possible to obtain a given crop yield with the required reliability. Such management is formed on the basis of estimates of the parameters of the state of crops, soil environment and weeds, formed according to the data of Earth remote sensing in real time. Methods: The presented theory is based on new mathematical models of the parameters of the state of agricultural crops, soil environment, weeds, as well as models of the relationship of these parameters with remote sensing (RS) data. Control factors in agricultural technology are doses of mineral fertilizers, herbicides and irrigation rates. Therefore, the parameters of the state in the management system under consideration, in addition to the parameters of the biomass of agricultural crops and weeds, are the chemical parameters of the soil environment. All technological operations are carried out at the onset of certain phenological phases of the development of crop sowing. RS data are entered precisely at such moments of time when the parameters of the state of crops and weeds are estimated on their basis. The presented theory is based on classical control principles used in modern dynamic systems. The most important feature of the proposed approach to solving the problem of agrocenoses management is the development of the principle of spatial distribution of agricultural technology parameters. It consists in using models with spatial variables, which are complemented by models of spatial approximation of controls in the form of multidimensional power polynomials. The parameters of the approximation models are evaluated according to the optimal parameters of technological operations obtained on 15-20 test sites of the field. Results: In accordance with the proposed theory, mathematical models of agrocenoses, a real-time control algorithm using RS data and a specialized software package were developed, with the help of which the control system was tested on the example of spring wheat sowing. Conclusion: As a result of testing a specialized software package for the implementation of the proposed theory, the operability of the proposed theory of agrocenoses control in real time and the possibility of using it in practical systems for automated control of agricultural technologies were established.
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