1'1"'dl'lIl1~ rh... lillm,· " .1h\.IV\ dllli'llit. IIhk...d 1I1'1")\\lhk. Wl' L11I h.I\·... \(lIII~ lh~llnl'\. but 111.111\ .1r~ pl'l)\,t'd wrnll~. PO\\lbh 011,' ,II Ihl' bl·\t \\~\\ (If IO(lklll~ IIl111 Ih~ ,iIlUI" " to \1.11'1 \\ Ilh hl\ton I tiN ht'LlIll" 1Il\', I\'~d \\'lIh lh~ '.:plulo\ponll\ \mlll' Y; Vl"lt'> .I~ I 1111.: \\ mklll~ 111 Edlllhur~h. Sl'olL\IId, III I ')(1-1. I h.1d Ih,' pn\'dq:" <1111,· .In· Ihl' .lIl{1hlllrl':~ Ilflir'l ,hole,' I'!r h"l'l"r1.d 111"III1I~tI\ ,'\','11 1;)1' plI... UIIIl)UlLColl 1ll'·1I11l~1I\. So, lltat: 1\ ~II 01,1 I11dlL1t101l th.lt .11\.11'1'....11''''1 bm h.1\ Cl lilt: hJl'l. ,1~l\1I the u\e of lite Cl'l'Il.llo 1'01111\ 111 I' o!-:ellll lIlelllll~U\ CXf. ) woul.1 Itkt: to dlLcu" th~ cOlltro".. r", b.. l\\'l· ... 1l lit .. lILt: or' ",·plt.llo\ponm or .Jl1Il1lOl-:lyco,,,I,·< III Ih ..· Ir~,ltllll'lll (,I "ck p.ltl~lIt\ \\ IIh UI1"XI'I.III, ...d "'1'\1\. l~'bnk' 11 ... lIlrtll',·llln. l"" (;'·llt.ll1l1'llI b"Col/lle .wJll.lhk· .1t .lpl'r(\XlIll.llCI~ Ihe \,II11t: 1111'<: ,1\ tht: ,·.lrI~ p.1rellta,tl c,·ph.11 "I'0nll\ .1Il.!. t',r IIUII\, y~.'I'\. dlllll'lJI1\ 1<:1t Ih.1I thl' .1I1111Io~lvn"lde\. b...c.lII\l· the' w,''''' I1IOfe hJl'tl·nll'l.1l. \\ ere' h,·It"f drtlf.."; fh.1ll l~pll.llo\p()nm ti.f \lrk p.11I"nt\ wlth 1IIlJI.I!-:r1o\...d \l'I"I\ Howt:"a. t1l1rJ !,l"Il'·r.ltlOIl c... phJJO\ponll\ Jre 1I0W l!\"d /1.11 th .. II1dl(',1t10Ill I'r",vlou\l~ I:.vofl·d 1<11' "'~lIt.1IllI'111 l·\'arlll'll·". 1',·llt.lIlIlCIll 1\ \ull 111 till' ~ul,khllt:\ tor b.lelen.11 "lIdo,·.HdIU\ :111.1 thl" cel'l1.1lo\\,ol1l1\ \tlil h.we not "lUlld .1 ddillll" 1'1:1....: lor th" Illdlc,ulOn Th.. UK r~collllllelld.1I101l\ lor 111t"1 rVI't:\ 01 "mlo ,HdIU\ .If'· til lI\l' .111 .111111101'1 CIl\I.k 1'111' .1 ht:l.l-!.lnJIII. wilich 1\ L1\ll.llly 1I0t ,1 ('t:pll.llo\l'oflll I'mllhl" III th,' futurl' ,Ollle 'thl' Ilewer t·t:pll.ll(1~pnnll\ 1ll,IV 1"1'1.1,,· Ihe .III1'I1(1~I", "O'I,Ie, I~)r th" 111.111,111, 11 J. ACAR
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