A multi-location trail was carried out at the Beekeeping Unit, TCA, Dholi (Muzaffarpur District, India) and University Apiary, RPCAU, Pusa (Samastipur District, India) during Rabi 2021-22 on Rajendra Dhania-2 variety of coriander. Spatial distribution of bee species in Pusa and Dholi showed that occurance of Italian bee Apis mellifera (F) was comparatively higher at Pusa (19.03± 6.29/ m2 / 10 min) as compared to Dholi (16.56± 5.47/ m2 / 10 min). Other species of honey bees viz. Indian hive bee, Apis cerana (F), rock bee Apis dorsata (F) and little bee Apis florea (F) were more abundant in Dholi as compared to Pusa. Maximum (number of bee/ m2 / 10 min) of Apis mellifera (24.02, 27.60), Apis dorsata (16.88, 14.89), Apis cerana (14.55, 11.64) and Apis florea (10.47, 8.63) were observed at 13:00, 15:00, 11:00 and 09:00 at Dholi and Pusa, respectively. The underlying factors of this distribution were identified as body size and dietary overlap. This study highlights the complexity of interactions between Apis spp. genus and shows how factors like body size and diet influence their distribution patterns.
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