Planned active space experiments and ideas for future active space experiments are reviewed. Three active experiments being readied are DSX (Demonstration and Space eXperiments), SMART (Space Measurement of Rocket-released Turbulence), and BeamPIE (Beam Plasma Interaction Experiment). Ideas for future experiments include relativistic-electron-beam experiments for magnetic-field-line tracing, relativistic-electron-beam experiments to probe the middle atmosphere, plasma-wave launching using superparamagnetic-nanoparticle amplification of magnetic fields, the heavy-ion mass loading of collisionless magnetic-field-line reconnection, the use of electrostatically charged tethers to pitch-angle scatter radiation-belt particles, cold plasma releases to modify magnetospheric plasma physics, and neutral-gas releases to enhance neutral-particle imaging of the magnetosphere. Technologies that are being developed to enable future space active experiments are reviewed: this includes the development of compact relativistic accelerators, superparamagnetic particle amplified antennae, CubeSats, and a new understanding of how to control dynamic spacecraft charging. New capabilities to use laboratory facilities to design space active experiments as well as new computer-simulation capabilities to design and understand space active experiments are reviewed.
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