Sources of information on the availability and prices of basic foods are spread on URLs, HTTP(s) on various websites in the Medan City government. Data synchronization and data integration between websites can produce quality information sourced from various public IP Address protocols. In a cloud-based Data Center, the Front End and Back End computer network devices are interconnected via the Internet. Data is stored as JSON and synced in realtime to every connected client. Platform metrics and Activity logs are collected automatically, routed to other locations using diagnostic settings. Cloud service solutions include IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), SaaS (Software as a Service), and PaaS (Platform as a Service). PaaS integrates various operating systems and user applications. Secondary data collection takes public data that can be accessed using Web Crawling and Web Scraping techniques. Web API software components automatically update data between the client and server. Firebase Realtime Database can store and synchronize data in real time. The configuration of data requests that can be served by the food data cloud platform is 85% with a configuration runtime of 80%-95%.
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