Abstract This paper presents a decentralized, cooperative, real-time avoidance control strategy for robotic manipulators. The proposed avoidance control law builds on the concepts of artificial potential field functions and provides tighter bounds on the minimum safe distance when compared to traditional potential-based controllers. Moreover, the proposed avoidance control law is given in analytical, continuous closed form, avoiding the use of optimization techniques and discrete algorithms, and is rigorously proven to guarantee collision avoidance at all times. Examples of planar and 3D manipulators with cylindrical links under the proposed avoidance control are given and compared with the traditional approach of modeling links and obstacles with multiple spheres. The results show that the proposed avoidance control law can achieve, in general, faster convergence, smaller tracking errors, and lower control torques than the traditional approach. Furthermore, we provide extensions of the avoidance control to robotic manipulators with bounded control torques.