The paper investigates the state-of-the-art architecture of photovoltaic systems (PVS) by evaluating the performance of the developed maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm of fuzzy particle swarm optimization (FPSO) for temperate continental latitudes. The material of the paper gives an evaluation of traditional MPPT algorithms in relation to the state-of-the-art FPSO algorithm. The study summarizes the problems of On-Grid PV systems and analyzes methods of solving them by combining them with hydrogen technologies. The paper summaries the experience of observations of climatic factors and solar resources on the example of the Russian Federation. Thus, in 2023, the average winter temperature exceeded the norm by 4.7 °C, and the average summer temperature exceeded the norm by 4.9 °C compared to 2022. The paper analyses the level of insolation, which increased by 0.03 kWh/m2 by regions of Russia for the period 2022–2023. The experimental part of the work was carried out at the solar power plant (SPP) «Kalmykskaya» with coordinates 53.422832 north latitude and 55.266895 east longitude. The watt-volt field characteristic of photovoltaic modules (PVM) connected to the inverter was obtained experimentally. When compared, the correlation coefficient between the experimental power (P) and voltage (U) of the panels was found to be higher than that of the ideal panels, 0.933 versus 0.914. The correlation coefficient between the ideal P(U) function and the experimental one is (−0.475). The data for calculating the coefficient of performance (COP) of the implemented MPPT algorithm was also obtained experimentally, which was about 98.7%. The reliability of the data used in the calculations was confirmed by two independent means of measurement, the difference of the obtained results was less than 1%. In the last part of the experiment of this study, the dependence of insolation in a given geographical point on the generated PV field power was evaluated. The correlation coefficient was 0.47, while the inverter output voltage was maintained in the nominal range of (600 ± 20%)V. Thus, the authors of the study experimentally proved the efficiency of using MPPT on FPSO in temperate continental climate with duration of sunshine T = 1850 h per year. The effectiveness of the FPSO algorithm under the conditions of inverter distance from the common point of the DC switching cabinet (DСCC) has been confirmed. The effectiveness of the MPPT algorithm based on FPSO under conditions of partial shading, increased cloud cover and increased air temperature is concluded. Using the description of the current architecture of On-Grid SPP, the authors draw attention to the impossibility of operation of such systems without the presence of voltage in the reference network. In addition, the impossibility of the system operation at the value of PVM power over 1500 kW and at the voltage of panels less than 900 V is noted. To modernize the existing PVS architecture, for the first time, the use of a DCCC and an inverter with implemented MPPT on the FPSO in combination with a hydrogen (H2) production unit and nickel-hydrogen (Ni–H2) batteries is proposed. The researchers propose that when the PVM field voltage is below 900 V and when the PVM field power exceeds 1500 kW, energy can be diverted to H2 generation or to charge Ni–H2 batteries via a DCCC controller. Such an architecture will improve the continuity and efficiency of the PVS, reduce the carbon footprint, and allow the PVS to be used as an industrial uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The authors see the lack of standardization of implemented projects based on the ESG principle as the main problem of alternative energy development.