The main drawback of the modern power supply system is centralization. Renewable energy is a promising alternative for supplying electricity to remote settlements. Solar energy is more preferable, since it is least dependent on the geographical location. (Research purpose) The research purpose is in studying the possibilities of creating an autonomous renewable energy system based on solar photoconvertors for remote villages. (Materials and methods) Authors examined small rural settlements in various climatic regions of the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan, identified promising regions for solar-powered systems similar in climatic and socio-economic parameters – the Krasnodar Territory and the regions of Uzbekistan. There was used data from the NASA POWER project for analysis. (Results and discussion) The article presents the comparison of a diesel generator and a renewable solar-diesel system as an autonomous source of electricity for small settlements. Due to the lack of sun in winter and due to lower temperatures, there is a need for an additional source of energy. (Conclusions) The article presents the methodology for assessing the technical and economic potential of renewable energy sources in the regions under consideration. Due to the high solar activity and geographical location, the cost of energy in the regions of Uzbekistan was 0.153, 0.155, 0.166 dollars per kilowatt-hour for hybrid renewable energy systems and 0.387, 0.371, 0.401 dollars per kilowatt-hour for a diesel generator. In the Krasnodar Territory these costs are 0.138 dollars per kilowatt-hour for a hybrid system and 0.316 dollars per kilowatt-hour for a diesel generator. It is possible to create fully autonomous power supply stations in these regions based on solar energy stations. For this purpose it is necessary to add an energy source that will be used during periods of insufficient solar activity. The most promising solution is the use of a wood gas source.
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