We demonstrate an all-fiber high-peak-power nanosecond pulse laser operating at 915 nm. The nanosecond pulse laser source is consisting of a 915 nm modulated laser diode and 4-stage Nd-doped fiber amplifiers. A maximum output power of 2.01 W is achieved with a peak power of 2.2 kW. The peak-to-peak fluctuation is less than ±0.2 % and the RMS is 0.084 %. Additionally, the beam quality at output power of 2.01 W is measured to be Mx2 = 1.09, My2 = 1.08, indicative of excellent beam characteristics in the output signal. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first report about high-peak-power Nd-doped fiber laser at 915 nm based on all-fiber structure. This work provides a good candidate for the Automotive Lidar with high imaging resolution and detection accuracy.