Research about German Parishes – International Congregational Studies: Results and Challenges in a RecentlyDiscovered Field ofAttention by the Sociology of Religion and Practical Theology. The article reports about an international conference in Frankfurt (Germany) with presentations by Nancy Ammerman, Marc Chaves (both USA), Jorg Stolz (Switzerland), Henk de Roest (Netherlands) and Aiming Wang (China). The important contributions by quantitative empirical comparative congregational studies and by qualitative empirical case studies are highlighted. A global study is to be desired. The path of a first study by the „Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der EKD“ on the perception of elders in the parishes of this nationwide Protestant church in Germany is to be further pursued. The importance of case studies should be realised as a field of research and also a tool of church development. The older literature relevant to this field of research, which was often published in somewhat hidden publications, also need...