The long-term time course of photosynthetic activity in arboreal trees of aspen Populus tremula L. and birch Betula pendula Roth species native for Kola Subarctic was observed through 2014–2017 yr vegetation seasons in terms of PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulated) foliage chlorophyll fluorescence measurements in situ. The temporal pair- wise correlation chlorophyll fluorescence pattern between any leaf blades couple for the whole any single crone as well as for proximate tree crones was found. The abrupt temperature drops and other environmental changes promote transition to blades coherence, the most synchronicity between trees was observed in 2014th fall. The global synchronization between any leaf couple was often preceded by transition of the foliar blades photosynthetic activity in common coherent quasi-cyclic rhythm. It is suggested that mutual crone’s intra and inter temporal organization and cooperative assimilation promote resistance and optimal realization of adaptive species potential.