Background Introduction: Vitamin D plays significant role in calcium metabolism and in bone and vascular calcifications. Objective: To investigate the association between vitamin D level, arterial hypertension, arterial stiffness and coronary calcifications detected by MSCT. Method: A 2 female case report comparative to each other investigated the correlation between vitamin D serum level, blood pressure, arterial stiffness and severity of the coronary calcification using MSCT diagnostic tool estimating the calcium score. Results: The first case report showed that decreased level of vitamin D is correlated with increased blood pressure, increased arterial stiffness and with a severe coronary calcifications. The second case report showed normal blood pressure, normal vascular age and low calcium score in a no-defficient vitamin D female. Conclusion: Vitamin D has impact on blood pressure, arterial stiffness, coronary calcifications and coronary heart disease. The lower vitamin D, the higher arterial blood pressure, arterial stiffness and coronary calcium score.
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