In 60 years, no Leaking mustard agent had ever been detected at the Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground (APGl storage area in Mary- Land. That changed when an alarm sounded recently in an igloo holding ton-sized containers of the chemical warfare agent awaiting disposal via neutralization. The trace amount (7.68 ig/m3) of mustard vapor detected by the alarm was confirmed using mini Chemical Agent Monitors that were inserted into the storage igloo, says Jeff Lindblad, spokesman for the Army Chemical Materials Agency. No liquid agent was found. Whatever leaked has not escaped from the storage building, APG spokesman George Mercer says. He adds, Since the original detection, no additional vapor has been detected inside the structure. The storage igloo is located within the Edgewood Area of APG and a few hundred yards from the building where agent neutralization actually takes place. No workers were exposed to the blister agent. After temporarily relocating workers at the neutralization ...
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