We have constructed conserved N=2 higher-spin supercurrents for an arbitrary integer spin through the unconstrained superfield formulation of 4D,N=2 massless higher-spin theories in the harmonic superspace. The obtained supercurrents are gauge-invariant and determine consistent cubic interactions in the gauge superfield × supercurrent form for massless spin s1 and two massless spin s2N=2 supermultiplets. Such interactions and N=2 supercurrents exist only for s1≥2s2. These supercurrents are the N=2 supersymmetric extension of Berends-Burgers-van Dam higher-spin currents and generalize the linearized Bel-Robinson tensor. The relevant N=2 supercurrents can be considered as the descendants of the N=2 principle supercurrent, which has a simple universal structure. An important feature of our outcomes is that, ultimately, all N=2 supercurrents are built from the N=2 superfield strengths, which are constructed from the unconstrained analytical higher-spin prepotentials.