Approximate Dynamic Inversion (ADI) is basically an approximation of exact dynamic inversion or feedback linearisation, which converts a nonlinear system to an equivalent linear structure. This method can be widely applied for controlling minimum phase, nonaffine-in-control systems. For applying the ADI method, a fast dynamic subsystem for deriving explicit inversion of the nonaffine equation is required. With full state feedback, ADI may be expressed in the same way as a Proportional Integral (PI) controller with only knowledge of the sign of control effectiveness and also without any approximation. The Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC) augmented with the PI method is an adaptive control technique where the PI parameters are updated/tuned as per the control methodology based on the MRAC-Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) rule so that the plant is capable to follow the reference model. The main objective of this paper is to find the relationship between ADI and MRAC augmented with a PI controller.
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