The meanings of the study of passivation phenomena are discussed in relation to the surface finishing on iron & steel. Anodic passivation of iron in 10% HNO3 & 10%H2SO4 solutions, especially the effects of magnetic field are studied.1) 10%HNO3: In the magnetic field perpendicular to the anode plate, the passivation time is prolonged, but in weak magnetic field parallel to the anode it is rather quickened.The passivation films made in the magnetic field above 200Oe are resistant to 10%HNO3 after switched off the current.2) 10%H2SO: In the case of ordinary vertical electrode, two steps of passivation are found: the first one is accounted for by the black Fe3O4 film which grows thick, the second one by the same transparent film of γ-Fe2O3 as that in HNO3. The effects of the magnetic field have the same tendency in both perpendicular & parallel magnetic field. That is, the Fe3O4 passivation time is not effected and γ-Fe2O3 passivation time is delayed.In the case of horizontal electrode, it is passivated muchmore readily, and in general only γ-Fe2O3 passivation is occured. The effects of magnetic field are just like the case in 10%HNO3.The films made, also in magnetic field, are weak.