Lomeyko V. I. «The front page». Media agendabetween I and II rounds of the 2019 presidentialcampaign (the example of the research of materials of anonline edition «Mirror of the Week. Ukraine»). – Article.The article is devoted to defining the main topics ofthe political agenda in the analytical materials of thenewspaper «Mirror of the Week. Ukraine» between thefirst and the second rounds of the 2019 presidentialelections in Ukraine. Agenda-setting theory is based onthe fact that the media influence politics by constructingan agenda, i.e. determine the hierarchy of sociallysignificant issues. In Ukraine, the media is always an echoof clan, oligarchic interests. To date, there is no researchto determine the level of influence of individual mediaon the political agenda, i.e. their political «influence».This research is one of the first attempts to outline therange of media that build the agenda in Ukraine. At thepreparatory stage of the study, the publications thatАктуальні проблеми філософії та соціології 107influence the agenda in Ukraine have been identified:«Ukrayinska Pravda», «Mirror of the Week. Ukraine»,«Focus», «NV», «Ukrainian Week», «Day», etc. In orderto determine the unique topics that are inherent in themedia in the construction of the agenda, the publication«Mirror of the Week. Ukraine» has been chosen. In 2019,«Mirror of the Week. Ukraine» won the championship interms of its impact on business and political leaders, thequality of analytical information and compliance withprofessional standards. This weekly publication has beenchosen for the research. The sample was formed by fourissues between the first and second rounds (from 31 Marchto 21 April) of the 2019 presidential elections. Accordingto the results of the study, it has been determined that thepolitical agenda in the media is characterized by a gradualchange of the main topics: from the results of the firstround and the chances of the victory of two candidates(P. Poroshenko and V. Zelensky) and the reasons forthe defeats of others (first of all, Y. Tymoshenko andYu. Boyko) to the identification of socially importanttopics for further political development. The medianot only cover certain events (M. Stepanov’s resignation,A. Avakov’s position, statements of Westernpartners, the case of Privatbank, etc.), but also outlinethe directions of the next President’s actions. Theagenda is formed around the following topics: securityand territorial integrity, P. Poroshenko’s mistakes(personnel ones, as well as the corruption and the failureof judicial reform), the problem of «Privatbank»,the need for reforms and specific proposals for theirimplementation in energy, road construction; landreform, labor migration and early parliamentaryelections. The uniqueness of the agenda in the media isdue to the fact that in each issue journalists and expertssystematically address the topic of social responsibility.This applies not so much to a specific electoral choice,but also to further reforms. It is the themes of socialresponsibility, social defects and pathologies, the lackof solidarity, the need to resist fakes and distinguishbetween the real and the imagined (S. Rahmanin) thatare the foundation of the media agenda. They ensureits uniqueness compared to the agenda of politicians,government officials and oligarchs.
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