This paper examines Huawei's shift in business strategy in a changing international envi-ronment. Huawei's influence extends beyond the technology industry, as it plays a signifi-cant role in global political and trade relations, particularly between the United States and China. The changing international landscape has had a significant impact on Huawei, mainly in terms of trade restrictions, market access limitations, and supply chain disrup-tions. This paper uses a multidimensional framework to comprehensively understand Huawei's business strategy shifts in response to changes in the international environment. The framework integrates all aspects of the company's operational strategy to enable a comprehensive analysis of the company's strategic decisions and outcomes, which provides a comprehensive view of Huawei's operational strategy shifts in a changing international landscape. The paper also conducts a SWOT analysis of Huawei's business strategy, identi-fying Huawei's core competencies, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Finally, the pa-per offers recommendations for Huawei to mitigate the impact of geopolitical tensions, di-versify its products and services, and focus on the domestic market.