In the industrial industry, TIG welding is the most frequent method of putting metals together. The electrode is held at a 10°–15° angle to the vertical by the welder while he initiates the weld by striking an arc and creating a puddle. By moving the electrode and arc in tandem, the welder "pushes" the molten metal forward and toward weld. welder strength of a building is determined by the quality of its weld beads. The weld's mechanical qualities are mostly enhanced by the weld's quality. The writers of this article explain how to weld with high weld bead quality by using the proper welding parameters. In this research, it has been proven that the hardness of welded joints improves with the increase in welding current up to 110 A for 6 mm thick plates, and afterwards declines with the rise in welding current. Splash and damage to the workpiece could occur when the current is raised to an excessively high level. Because the workpiece is so thin, high current might cause the material gap to grow. This practise may result in an increased weld affected area and a longer time to deposit the same amount of filler material, as well as damage from high heat. Inverted microscopic analysis of the weld zone was performed in order to assess the effect of the welding parameters on the weld quality. As part of the TIG weld bead quality improvement process, dye penetration testing is performed.
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