An ongoing challenge in the smelting and refi ning of copper, nickel, and cobalt has been to produce high-purity metals from a diverse range of concentrates containing various impurities at different concentration levels. This purifi cation challenge has been met by using pyro-, hydro-, and electrometallurgy either individually or in combination. In pyrometallurgy, the removal of impurities—invariably to a slag phase for discard—is limited by equilibrium conditions; in hydrometallurgy, impurities are removed by precipitation, ion exchange (IX), and solvent extraction (SX). The precipitation step produces a residue for disposal in an environmentally acceptable manner, while IX and SX enable the possible recovery of the impurity metal either as a metal or salt. In electrometallurgy—both electrorefi ning and electrowinning—the treatment of a bleed stream results in the removal of the impurities either as a product or residue thereby providing control of the same in the main circuit. This issue of JOM includes four articles on removing impurities in the production of electrolytic copper. Two of the articles address electrorefi ning, the third focuses on the topic of electrowinning, and the fourth discusses control of oxygen and sulfur in blister copper. In “The Purifi cation of Copper Refi nery Electrolyte” author J. Hoffmann discusses the following impurities: As, Sb, Bi, Ni, Ca, ammonia, and organic fragments (decomposition products?). The paper describes the removal, and hence, control of arsenic, antimony, and bismuth using techniques such as precipitation, SX, and IX. Nickel is normally recovered as a nickel sulfate product from the decopperized electrolyte. Calcium precipitates as calcium sulfate on cathodes while bismuth tends to co-precipitate as a sulfate with gypsum, thus contaminating the cathode. The bleed of the electrolyte should normally control calcium levels, ensuring that it does not reach its solubility limit in the electrolyte. Ammonia and organic fragments rarely pose a problem in the tankhouse. In the second paper, author S. Wang discusses the same topic, but with some description of specifi c processes. Wang emphasizes the need to maintain a high level of arsenic in the electrolyte (about 12 g/L and above) to control antimony and bismuth by precipitation of antimonous arsenate and bismuth arsenate into the slimes. In one plant, the decopperized electrolyte is treated by IX technology to remove sulfuric acid for return to the tankhouse. Afterward, impurities (arsenic, antimony, and bismuth) are removed and nickel carbonate is precipitated as a product. The paper also reviews the use of molecular recognition technology (MRT) for Bi removal, SX for Sb and Bi control, and IX for Sb, Bi, and partial As control. Of these, MRT and SX have been evaluated at the pilot-plant level, while IX has been used at a few plants on a commercial scale for several years. In the only paper on impurity control in copper electrowinning circuits, D.R. Shaw et al. describe a unique ironcontrol system (FENIX) in which iron is loaded onto a resin followed by stripping with a cuprous sulfate solution. This has considerably reduced the bleed from the circuit. Other benefi ts are reduced acid and cobalt sulfate usage and lower usage of lime in bleed neutralization. This process operated successfully at the Mt. Gordon copper plant in Australia from September 2002 until July 2003. Unfortunately, the plant was shut down due to fi nancial issues and the FENIX process will no longer be needed at that site. In the only contribution describing pyrometallurgical methods for refi ning blister copper, authors P. Coursol and P. Larouche describe a new concept for removal of oxygen and sulfur from blister copper using alkali carbonates to produce anode copper and a molten carbonate/sulfate salt for disposal. The main variables affecting the thermodynamics of the reaction are temperature, furnace atmosphere, composition of blister copper, and carbonate/sulfate salt ratio. Copper containing 2–145 ppm sulfur and 1,100–3,700 ppm O 2 was produced in laboratory tests. Additional laboratory tests and possible pilot-plant tests are planned to evaluate kinetics of the process. In spite of the broad title encompassing a wide area of the subject, only four papers were contributed over a very narrow subject of copper metallurgy with none from the nickel and cobalt industry. The author fails to see the reason for the reluctance on the part of the nickel and cobalt industry to come forward and share information that is not proprietary in nature with the metallurgical community. One paper—a review of the topic in general—did not make the deadline for this issue. However, it will be published in a future issue of JOM in 2004.
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