Recent breakthroughs in protein fold prediction from amino acid sequences have unleashed a deluge of new structures, presenting new opportunities and challenges to bioinformatics. Reseek is a novel protein structure alignment algorithm based on sequence alignment where each residue in the protein backbone is represented by a letter in a "mega-alphabet" of 85,899,345,920 (∼1011) distinct states. Reseek achieves substantially improved sensitivity to remote homologs compared to state-of-the-art methods including DALI, TMalign and Foldseek, with comparable speed to Foldseek, the fastest previous method. Scaling to large databases of AI-predicted folds is analyzed. Foldseek E-values are shown to be under-estimated by several orders of magnitude, while Reseek E-values are in good agreement with measured error rates. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
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