Electrical stimulation of vagal afferents or cardiopulmonary sympathetic afferent fibers excites C(1)--C(2) spinal neurons. The purposes of this study were to compare the responses of superficial (depth <0.35 mm) and deeper C(1)--C(2) spinal neurons to noxious chemical stimulation of cardiac afferents and determine the relative contribution of vagal and sympathetic afferent pathways for transmission of noxious cardiac afferent input to C(1)--C(2) neurons. Extracellular potentials of single C(1)--C(2) neurons were recorded in pentobarbital anesthetized and paralyzed male rats. A catheter was placed in the pericardial sac to administer a mixture of algogenic chemicals (0.2 ml) that contained adenosine (10(-3) M), bradykinin, histamine, serotonin, and prostaglandin E(2) (10(-5) M each). Intrapericardial chemicals changed the activity of 20/106 (19%) C(1)--C(2) spinal neurons in the superficial laminae, whereas 76/147 (52%) deeper neurons responded to cardiac noxious input (P < 0.01). Of 96 neurons responsive to cardiac inputs, 48 (50%) were excited (E), 41 (43%) were inhibited (I), and 7 were excited/inhibited (E-I) by intrapericardial chemicals. E or I neurons responsive to intrapericardial chemicals were subdivided into two groups: short-lasting (SL) and long-lasting (LL) response patterns. In superficial gray matter, excitatory responses to cardiac inputs were more likely to be LL-E than SL-E neurons. Mechanical stimulation of the somatic field from the head, neck, and shoulder areas excited 85 of 95 (89%) C(1)--C(2) spinal neurons that responded to intrapericardial chemicals; 31 neurons were classified as wide dynamic range, 49 were high threshold, 5 responded only to joint movement, and no neuron was classified as low threshold. For superficial neurons, 53% had small somatic fields and 21% had bilateral fields. In contrast, 31% of the deeper neurons had small somatic fields and 46% had bilateral fields. Ipsilateral cervical vagotomy interrupted cardiac noxious input to 8/30 (6 E, 2 I) neurons; sequential transection of the contralateral cervical vagus nerve (bilateral vagotomy) eliminated the responses to intrapericardial chemicals in 4/22 (3 E, 1 I) neurons. Spinal transection at C(6)--C(7) segments to interrupt effects of sympathetic afferent input abolished responses to cardiac input in 10/10 (7 E, 3 I) neurons that still responded after bilateral vagotomy. Results of this study support the concept that C(1)-C(2) superficial and deeper spinal neurons play a role in integrating cardiac noxious inputs that travel in both the cervical vagal and/or thoracic sympathetic afferent nerves.
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