In this AIDS Commentary, Drs. Tavel, Miller, and Masur of the National Institutes of Health present this compilation of clinical trials of antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients, which complements two similar reviews published as AIDS Commentaries in Clinical Infectious Diseases (1995;20:1145–51 and 1996;23:15–27). Whereas the previous compilations focused on trials of nucleoside analogues, this review is based on published articles and abstracts of clinical trials of protease inhibitors, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, and nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors in HIV-infected patients. The intent is to present a thorough, but not necessarily exhaustive, review of studies that have shaped our principles of antiretroviral therapy. Preference is given to clinical endpoint trials, proof-of-concept trials that have influenced the standard of care for HIV treatment, double-blind, randomized trials, and large trials with long-term patient followup. Smaller trials that address important questions are also included.