Tranvan, H., Troton, D. and Calvayrac, R. 1988. Morphological, histological and lipid changes during adventitious budding in Pinus pinaster cultured cotyledons.—J. exp. Bot. 39: 907–915. Isolated cotyledons of Pinus pinaster were cultured under bud-forming conditions. The morphology, histology, lipid content and the chlorophyll pools of the cotyledons were followed during bud development. Comparison with cotyledons cultured continuously on hormone-free or hormone-supplemented medium was performed. Three periods were distinguished during bud formation: (i) the initiation period, characterized by a drastic decrease of triacylglycerols, enhanced by the presence of the hormones; (ii) the differentiation period, during which the intense cell divisions and the increase of the polar lipid and chlorophyll contents appeared strongly correlated and (iii) bud development, characterized by stable levels of both chlorophylls and neutral lipids. Moreover, it appeared that the continuous presence of hormones in the culture medium inhibited the synthesis of molecular components, in particular chlorophylls and membrane lipids, required for normal cell differentiation and physiology.