Using observations from a single locality (Wine Strand) in the Glashabeg Formation (Dingle Group) of the Dingle Peninsula, southwest Ireland, Meere et al. (2016) conclude that more than 50% shortening of these strata was accomplished during the mid Devonian Acadian event, before lithification was complete. That the late Silurian to Emsian Dingle Group was deformed during the Acadian is not disputed (Todd, 2015, and references therein). Rather, it is the conclusion that the single tectonic foliation is Acadian and was generated before lithification was complete is refuted by several factors, not covered by Meere et al., but which are evident from assessment of the entire area (Todd, 2015). (1) The entire Palaeozoic of the area was affected by the end– Carboniferous Variscan orogenic shortening. Structural observations indicate that Old Red Sandstone (ORS) rocks demonstrably younger than the Acadian unconformity have experienced ~14% shortening by folding and faulting and a Rs yz strain of ~2.5 (or 40% shortening). The strain is associated with a cleavage that is axial planar to the folds in plan and occurs in symmetrical fans on the axial plane in cross section (Todd, 2015). In the west of the peninsula, this Variscan deformation is evidenced by steeply dipping and cleaved Late Devonian ORS on the north coast and inferred from the substantial uplift of the Acadian unconformity above regional. Any interpretation of shortening in the Dingle Group must take account of this overprint. (2) Dingle Group folding is Acadian in age but the single tectonic fabric is a younger overprint. The folding and faulting of the Dingle Group clearly accomplishes more shortening (~40%) than is evidenced by Variscan-only folds (~14%) above the Acadian unconformity (Todd, 2015). However, when strain data from the entire area are considered, there is a smaller difference in the Rs yz strains in mudrocks above (~2.5) and below (~2.8) the Acadian unconformity (Todd, 2015). In other words, as much 88% of the total bulk strain in the Dingle Group is likely due to Variscan shortening, not Acadian. The cleavage transects the axial planes of the Dingle Group folds in both plan and section, commensurate with Variscan overprinting of preexisting and gently tightened Acadian folds and hence is not a product of Acadian transpression (Todd, 2015). (3) Strain patterns are highly dependent on bedding orientation and lithology and fabric of the sediments. At Wine Strand, and other locations where strata are sub-horizontal, mudrocks, when pedogenic calcrete is absent or weakly developed, are typically deformed by constant volume flattening strain with a component of vertical stretching (Meere and Mulchrone, 2006). In coarser lithologies, the calculated Rs yz strains are markedly lower and instead some bulk strain occurred by volume loss along the spaced cleavage folia (Fig. 1A). The cleavage folia in the coarser units become more prominent on depositional fabrics like intraclasts, gutter casts, and channel margins that have formed preferential planes of pressure solution. Where mudrocks are strongly effected by pedogenic calcretes, the pressure solution cleavage is more prominent and carbonate nodules and columns are flattened in it. Where beds are more steeply dipping to sub-vertical in the Dingle Group, more flattening and accentuation of bed-parallel depositional fabrics in coarser rocks is observed, particularly through the rotation and packing of more labile/ductile lithic clasts and pressure solution creating curviplanar instead of point grain/clast contacts (Figs. 1B–1D). Pressure solution folia are usually partitioned to the matrix, often welding clast contacts; occasionally clasts are cut. Mica beards on quartz grains (Meere and Mulchrone, 2006) and competent clast extension by joints/veins have been observed (Fig. 1C). The strain incompatibility between mudrocks and sandstones/conglomerates is more pronounced in subvertical setting, indicated by bed-perpendicular quartz ladder veins (Meere and Mulchrone, 2006). Hence, throughout the area there are strain features associated with the tectonic foliation only consistent with postlithification strain. These features are less common or absent at Wine Strand, but this is a function of the partitioned bulk strain of bed-parallel depositional fabrics in a poorly sorted, loosely packed conglomerate fabric and pressure solution in the domainal cleavage.