The students at public universities in Bangladesh show reluctance or a lack of interest when it comesto participating in research activities. Many underlying causes that prevent students from activelyparticipating in research projects can be the reason behind this reluctance. To analyze the causes ofthis hesitation and gain an understanding of the students’ perspectives, a thorough case study wascarried out from June 2023 to February 2024. This case study aimed to evaluate the students atthe University of Chittagong’s resistance to conducting research. Significant challenges observedin this study included a lack of information on research, insufficient supervision or mentorship,motivation concerns, a severe academic burden, restricted access to research resources, limitedaccess to respondents, and a refusal to share data. To address these challenges and foster a researchfriendly environment, it is recommended that research awareness programs be strengthened,mentorship and guidance be strengthened, academic workloads be balanced, access to researchmaterials be improved, a culture of data sharing be promoted, and interdisciplinary researchopportunities be encouraged.