Editorial1 February 1952HEMOSIDEROSIS AND THE PARENTERAL ADMINISTRATION OF IRONP. W. C.P. W. C.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-36-2-694 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptThe extensive deposition of hemosiderin granules in the cells of the liver and other organs is known to occur in three clinically distinct pathologic states: In idiopathic hemochromatosis, in severe malnutrition with pellagra as observed in South African negroes, and following repeated transfusions of blood. It now seems certain that this may also be brought about by the excessive or protracted parenteral administration of iron. As commercial preparations of iron are now available which can be administered intravenously in effective doses without causing immediate severe reactions, the possible harmful effect of such pigment promises to become a question of immediate...1 DubachCallenderMoore RSTCV: Studies in iron transportation and metabolism. VI. Absorption of radioactive iron in patients with fever and with anemias of varied etiology, Blood 3: 526-540, 1948. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar2 Granick S: Iron metabolism and hemochromatosis, Bull. New York Acad. Med. 25: 403-428, 1949. MedlineGoogle Scholar3 BrownMoore EBCV: Saccharated iron oxide intravenously in hypochromic anemia, J. A. M. A. 144: 1084-1089, 1950. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar4 Finch CA: Utilization of intravenous radioactive iron, Blood 4: 905-927, 1949. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar5 Nissim JA: Intravenous administration of iron, Lancet 2: 49-51, 1947. Nissim, J. A., and Robson, J. M.: Intravenous treatment of anaemia with an ironsucrose preparation, Lancet 1: 326-327, 1949. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar6 Holly RG: Intravenous iron: Evaluation and use of saccharated iron oxide in iron deficiency states in obstetrics and gynecology, Blood 6: 1159-1172, 1951. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar7 Polson CJ: The failure of prolonged administration of iron to cause haemochromatosis, Brit. J. Exper. Path. 14: 73, 1933. Google Scholar8 Cappell DF: The late results of intravenous injection of colloidal iron, J. Path. and Bact. 33: 175, 1930. CrossrefGoogle Scholar9 Gillman J: A comparison of chemical and histological estimations of the iron and copper content of the livers of Africans in relation to the pathogenesis of cytosiderosis and cirrhosis (haemochromatosis), South African J. M. Sc. 10: 109-136, 1945. Gillman, J., and Gillman, T.: The pathogenesis of cytosiderosis (haemochromatosis) as evidenced in malnourished Africans, Gastroenterology 8: 19-23, 1947. MedlineGoogle Scholar10 SchwartzBlumenthal SOSA: Exogenous hemochromatosis resulting from blood transfusions, Blood 3: 617-640, 1948. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar11 Chesner C: Hemochromatosis. Review of literature and presentation of a case without pigmentation or diabetes, J. Lab. and Clin. Med. 31: 1029-1936, 1946. MedlineGoogle Scholar12 Kark RM: Two cases of aplastic anaemia. One with secondary haemochromatosis following 290 transfusions in nine years, and the other with secondary carcinoma of the stomach, Guy's Hosp. Rep. 87: 343-353, 1937. Google Scholar13 HumphriesSouthworth GHH: Aplastic anemia terminated by removal of a mediastinal tumor, Am. J. M. Sc. 210: 501-510, 1945. CrossrefGoogle Scholar14 DavisArrowsmith WDWR: The effect of repeated bleeding in hemochromatosis, J. Lab. and Clin. Med. 36: 814-815, 1950. (Abstract.) MedlineGoogle Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited byHEMOCHROMATOSIS AND HEART FAILURE: PRESENTATION OF A CASE WITH SURVIVAL AFTER THREE YEARS' TREATMENT BY REPEATED VENESECTION*SAUL J. GROSBERG, M.D.Hemosiderosis and Hemochromatosis: The Question of PathogenesisHAEMOCHROMATOSIS WITH HEART FAILURE COMPLICATING CONGENITAL NON-SPHEROCYTIC HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIAHemochromatosis and transfusional hemosiderosisHemochromatosis after prolonged oral iron therapy in a patient with chronic hemolytic anemiaCirrhosis of the Liver: Natural History of a Disease 1 February 1952Volume 36, Issue 2_Part_2Page: 694-699KeywordsBlood cellsBlood transfusionCellsEffective doseHemochromatosisLiverMalnutrition Issue Published: 1 February 1952 PDF downloadLoading ...
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