Previous articleNext article No AccessThe Estimation of Transportation Costs in International TradeCarmellah MonetaCarmellah Moneta Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Journal of Political Economy Volume 67, Number 1Feb., 1959 Article DOI Views: 21Total views on this site Citations: 25Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1959 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Yoonkyo Cho, Jaewhak Roh Promoting Foreign Electronic Commerce and Economic Welfare, (Oct 2022): 30–54. K. Das, Laura Meriluoto, Amy Rice Export tax and import-tariff avoidance: evidence from the trade data discrepancy in the China-New Zealand trade, New Zealand Economic Papers 54, no.22 (Jun 2019): 161–189. Jia, Jasmine Siu Lee Lam, Nguyen Khoi Tran Spatial variation of travel time uncertainty in container shipping, Transportation Research Procedia 48 (Jan 2020): 1740–1749. He, Chunding Li, John Whalley , The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 27, no.77 ( 2018): 806. Michaely, David Wajnryt With Whom Do Nations Trade? – The Fading Distance, Global Economy Journal 16, no.33 (Jun 2016): 411–432. J. Garcia Pires Beyond Trade Costs: Firms’ Endogenous Access to International Markets, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 14, no.22 (Mar 2013): 229–257. Cadot, Ana Fernandes, Julien Gourdon, Aaditya Mattoo, Jaime de Melo Evaluating Aid for Trade: A Survey of Recent Studies, The World Economy 37, no.44 (Apr 2014): 516–529. Henry, Richard Kneller, Chris Milner, Sourafel Girma Do Natural Barriers Affect the Relationship Between Trade Openness and Growth?*, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 74, no.11 (May 2011): 1–19. chasomeris ON THE (MIS)MEASUREMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT COSTS, South African Journal of Economics 77, no.11 (Mar 2009): 148–161. Dennis R. Appleyard The Terms of Trade between the United Kingdom and British India, 1858–1947 Appleyard, Economic Development and Cultural Change 54, no.33 (Jul 2015): 635–654. Hummels, Volodymyr Lugovskyy Are Matched Partner Trade Statistics a Usable Measure of Transportation Costs?*, Review of International Economics 14, no.11 (Feb 2006): 69–86. G Overman, L Alan Winters The Port Geography of UK International Trade, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 37, no.1010 (Dec 2016): 1751–1768. Rubio, Mauricio Folchi On the Accuracy of Latin American Trade Statistics: A Nonparametric Test for 1925, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2005).ël Raballand Determinants of the Negative Impact of Being Landlocked on Trade: An Empirical Investigation Through the Central Asian Case, Comparative Economic Studies 45, no.44 (Dec 2003): 520–536. Makhoul, Samuel M. Otterstrom Exploring the accuracy of international trade statistics, Applied Economics 30, no.1212 (Oct 2010): 1603–1616. Federico, Antonio Tena On the accuracy of foreign trade statistics (1909–1935): Morgenstern revisited, Explorations in Economic History 28, no.33 (Jul 1991): 259–273. Banerjee An appraisal of the profitability of the indo‐British commodity trade during 1871–87, Journal of Development Studies 26, no.22 (Jan 1990): 243–259. L. Sharma International flow of manufactures purchasing power based analysis, European Economic Review 19, no.22 (Jan 1982): 387–394. J. Yeats The influence of trade and commercial barriers on the industrial processing of natural resources, World Development 9, no.55 (May 1981): 485–494. Prewo The structure of transport costs on Latin American exports, Review of World Economics 114, no.22 (Jun 1978): 305–327. M. BAUTISTA, GWendolyn R. TECSON PHILIPPINE EXPORT TRADE WITH JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES: RESPONSIVENESS TO EXCHANGE RATE CHANGES, The Developing Economies 13, no.44 (Mar 2007): 400–420. L. Gadiel Australian Commercial Policy and South Africa's Economic Isolation, Economic Record 50, no.33 (Sep 1974): 381–404. MORGENSTERN ON THE ACCURACY OF ECONOMIC OBSERVATIONS: FOREIGN TRADE STATISTICS**Editor's note: This reprint of ch. IX of Morgenstern's work On the Accuracy of Economic Observations omits the first three paragraphs. Figure and table numbers have been re-numbered to conform to the style of this volume. However, the original numbers are given below each table or figure to facilitate reference to the original volume., (Jan 1974): 87–122. NAYA, Theodore MORGAN THE ACCURACY OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE DATA: THE CASE OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN COUNTRIES**Editor's note: Sects. 3 and 4 from the original article have been omitted here., (Jan 1974): 123–137. MERHAV UNDERDEVELOPMENT, MARKET SIZE, AND TECHNOLOGICAL DEPENDENCE, (Jan 1969): 16–64.
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