Cybersecurity operations centers (CSOCs) protect organizations by monitoring network traffic and detecting suspicious activities in the form of alerts. The security response team within CSOCs is responsible for investigating and mitigating alerts. However, an imbalance between alert volume and available analysts creates a backlog, putting the network at risk of exploitation. Recent research has focused on improving the alert-management process by triaging alerts, optimizing analyst scheduling, and reducing analyst workload through systematic discarding of alerts. However, these works overlook the delays caused in alert investigations by several factors, including: (i) false or benign alerts contributing to the backlog; (ii) analysts experiencing cognitive burden from repeatedly reviewing unrelated alerts; and (iii) analysts being assigned to alerts that do not match well with their expertise. We propose a novel framework that considers these factors and utilizes machine learning and mathematical optimization methods to dynamically improve throughput during work shifts. The framework achieves efficiency by automating the identification and removal of a portion of benign alerts, forming clusters of similar alerts, and assigning analysts to alerts with matching attributes. Experiments conducted using real-world CSOC data demonstrate a 60.16% reduction in the alert backlog for an 8-h work shift compared to currently employed approach.
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