Abstract After investigation, it was found that due to natural environmental conditions such as rain and snow temperature, equipment such as down conductor above the terminals, and natural swings of wires, the terminal blocks of the down conductor bushing on the high voltage side of the main transformer of a 500kV substation will deteriorate and deform. Following the force analysis and experiment on the down conductor bushing terminal block on the high voltage side of the main transformer, it is found that the weak structure of the bushing terminal block lies in the vertical orientation of the terminal and the connection point of the transverse structure, and its horizontal external force limit value is 1.91KN. In this paper, it was finally decided to improve the terminal structure by erecting diagonal supports between the vertical and transverse structures of the terminals. The improved terminal block can be subjected to an external force of 5KN horizontally, and the terminal shape is within the safe range. It can ensure the safety and stability of the main transformer bushing terminal block.