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Analisis Metode Certainty Factor Pada Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Kerusakan Sepeda Motor

Motorcycles are a predominant mode of transportation in Indonesian society, comprising 84.5% of the total transportation vehicles in 2021 according to national BPS data. Despite providing convenience in mobility, motorcycles are susceptible to disturbances or damages that can hinder normal usage and potentially lead to accidents. Many motorcycle riders lack knowledge or awareness regarding potential issues with their motorcycles. This research aims to analyze the implementation of the certainty factor method in an expert system for identifying motorcycle malfunctions, with a focus on Giska Servis workshop. The certainty factor method serves as a reasoning tool to determine identification outcomes based on identified symptoms. The results of this study are expected to contribute to facilitating motorcycle riders in diagnosing symptoms of malfunctions in their vehicles. The certainty factor method offers a systematic and structured approach to identifying motorcycle issues. Through the implementation of this method, the research attempts to measure the success rate of the expert system in diagnosing malfunctions. Data from the identification results at Giska Servis workshop will be comprehensively analyzed to evaluate the accuracy and effectiveness of the certainty factor method in this context.By highlighting the success of this method, this research is expected to provide valuable insights for the development of expert systems for motorcycle issue identification. The findings of this study can serve as a guide for workshops and motorcycle users to enhance understanding and management of vehicle issues, thereby minimizing the potential for accidents and extending the lifespan of motorcycles.

Open Access
Analisis IT Service Management Pada Aplikasi Traveloka Menggunakan Framework ITIL V3

Information technology nowadays is developing very rapidly, especially in the tourism sector. The use of technology in the tourism sector has made Traveloka's services popular because they can be accessed easily, quickly and reliably. The Traveloka service provides a service where users can order plane tickets from various airlines that collaborate with Traveloka with different price variants. This service makes it easier for people to enjoy their holidays and find out plane ticket prices easily. This research used data collection through questionnaires and obtained 30 respondents. Then a validity and reliability test is carried out to measure the quality level of a statement, after which a maturity level calculation will be carried out to analyze whether Traveloka's services are good enough to carry out service operations in the community. This research uses the ITIL V3 framework to analyze Traveloka services, especially in the Service Operation domain, which consists of 5 subdomains, namely the maturity level in the Event Management subdomain gets a value of 4.41, the maturity level in the Incident Management subdomain gets a value of 4.22, then for the Problem subdomain Management got a maturity level of 4.17, then for the Request Fulfillment subdomain the maturity level got a value of 4.21 and finally for the Access Management subdomain it got a maturity level of 4.30. So it can be seen that based on the results of the maturity level calculation it can be stated that all subdomains are at the Managed Level.

Open Access
Implementasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dalam menentukan Kecamatan Terbaik Menggunakan Algoritma Entropy dan Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS)

In the context of regional development and decision making related to determining the best village, the use of a Decision Support System (DSS) with the application of the Entropy and Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) algorithms is a very important approach. The main objective of this research is to propose and implement a method that utilizes the Entropy algorithm to evaluate criteria weights and ARAS to rank villages based on predetermined criteria. This approach begins the process by identifying relevant criteria to determine the best village in an area. Next, the Entropy algorithm is used to measure the level of importance or relative weight of each predetermined criterion. This step helps in assessing how informative each criterion is in the decision-making process regarding determining the best Village.
 After determining the criteria weights using Entropy, the approach continues with the application of the ARAS method. ARAS is used to rank villages based on normalized values ​​from previously determined criteria. The data normalization process is carried out to ensure the validity of comparisons between villages. The final result of this approach is a ranking of villages indicating the best villages based on the criteria considered. This method was tested in a case study using a dataset involving a number of relevant criteria for assessing village development potential. Experimental results show that the use of the Entropy and ARAS algorithms in the Decision Support System provides an effective and informative framework for decision makers in determining the best Village. In conclusion, this approach provides a solid foundation to support a more effective and precise decision-making process in regional development based on clearly defined criteria.

Open Access
Implementasi Sistem Pakar Android untuk Deteksi Penyakit Tanaman Coklat dengan Metode Certainty Factor

This research focuses on issues within the agricultural sector, specifically in cocoa farming. The associated problem is the lack of agricultural extension workers, which results in farmers' limited understanding of cocoa plant diseases and their management. As a consequence, disease identification in cocoa plants has traditionally relied on mere estimates, often proving inaccurate and inefficient in taking appropriate actions. The primary objective of this research is to design and develop an Android-based application utilizing the Certainty Factor method for diagnosing diseases in cocoa plants. The application is envisioned to function as an intelligent consultant for providing disease diagnoses in cocoa plants. The research employs the Research and Development methodology, gathering data from both primary and secondary sources through observations and interviews. The application is tested using both whitebox and blackbox methodologies. Whitebox testing results demonstrate that the system can operate effectively, as indicated by calculations of V(G) and Cyclomatic Complexity (CC). Blackbox testing, conducted with sample tests, also indicates that the system functions as expected and efficiently. In conclusion, the system developed in this research can significantly assist users, particularly farmers, in diagnosing diseases in cocoa plants. The expert system for diagnosing cocoa plant diseases can be relied upon and operates effectively.

Open Access