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Influence of Various Processing Routes in Additive Manufacturing on Microstructure and Monotonic Properties of Pure Iron—A Review-like Study

Additive manufacturing processes have attracted broad attention in the last decades since the related freedom of design allows the manufacturing of parts with unique microstructures and unprecedented complexity in shape. Focusing on the properties of additively manufactured parts, major efforts are made to elaborate process-microstructure relationships. For instance, the inevitable thermal cycling within the process plays a significant role in microstructural evolution. Various driving forces contribute to the final grain size, boundary character, residual stress state, etc. In the present study, the properties of commercially pure iron processed on three different routes, i.e., hot rolling as a reference, electron powder bed fusion, and laser powder bed fusion, using different raw materials as well as process conditions, are compared. The manufacturing of the specimens led to five distinct microstructures, which differ significantly in terms of microstructural features and mechanical responses. Using optical and electron microscopy as well as transmission electron microscopy, the built specimens were explored in various states of a tensile test in order to reveal the microstructural evolution in the course of quasistatic loading. The grain size is found to be most influential in enhancing the material’s strength. Furthermore, substructures, i.e., low-angle grain boundaries, within the grains play an important role in terms of the homogeneity of strain distribution. On the contrary, high-angle grain boundaries are found to be regions of strain localization. In summary, a holistic macro-meso-micro-nano investigation is performed to evaluate the behavior of these specific microstructures.

Open Access
Edible insects as a sustainable protein source: a meta-analysis

Abstract With the global population set to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, posing a potential 75% increase in food demand, this study examined the viability of edible insects as a sustainable protein source compared with beef. Employing a meta-analysis approach, data were synthesized from studies conducted over the past 13 years, using Hedges’ d effect size and mixed model methods. The parameter values included the nutritional, environmental, and economic aspects of edible insects. Out of 10,119 articles screened, 222 were selected for analysis, revealing 135 different species. Subsequently, 10 species were selected, based on the most comprehensive data available, for mixed model analysis. Although the protein content of these 10 edible insect species was generally lower than that of beef, certain species exhibited amino acid scores surpassing those of beef. Edible insects also exhibited significantly higher calcium, iron, and zinc content compared with beef. Environmental aspects may enhance the value of edible insects as they exhibited greater advantages compared with beef. Despite some identified risks in incorporating edible insects into the diets of humans and animals, there remain potential areas for further investigation and development, such as addressing fat content, indigestible carbohydrate, availability, and sustainability aspects. Further research is required to promote local edible insect products as nutritious food and feed.

Regulation of soil organic carbon dynamics by microbial communities during reforestation of Chinese fir plantations after clear‐cutting

AbstractReforestation after forest clear‐cutting is an effective measure to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration; still, the soil C balance under reforestation and the role of microbial communities in that process remain to be determined. Samples of organic (0–2 cm) and mineral (2–10 cm) horizons were collected from the 7‐, 15‐, 20‐, 29‐, and 36‐year‐old forest stands of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) after plantation clear‐cutting in subtropical zone under the condition of phosphorus limitation. Particulate organic carbon (POC), mineral‐associated organic carbon (MAOC), microbial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), and enzymatic activities for C, nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) acquisition were analyzed. The lowest contents of POC (10%) and MAOC (13%) in the organic horizon were found in 7‐year‐old stands due to the slow tree regrowth and extensive decomposition of SOC in the first years of forest regrowth. POC (2.0×) and MAOC (0.8×) increases in the organic horizon with forest age were attributed to the stand development and accumulation of above‐ and belowground litter. The organic horizon had a higher POC:MAOC ratio than the mineral (0.7–1.1 vs. 0.2–0.5), indicating lower SOC stability in the first one. The ratio of POC:MAOC increased with the Gram‐positive to Gram‐negative bacteria (G+:G‐) ratio, pointing out that microbial communities developed a specific community structure and substrate utilization strategies of organic matter under plantation restoration. The increase of total PLFAs and the G+:G‐ ratio was closely linked with the microbial C and P limitations, indicating that microorganisms shifted community structure to slow‐growing species and increased their content to cope with the C and P restrictions. In the soils of young plantations, microorganisms were limited by C and P; however, the C limitation was alleviated in the 36‐year‐old plots in the organic horizon due to increased litter input, whereas the P limitation was not. This discrepancy between C and P limitation suppressed the decomposition of litter entering the soil, which was seen in decreased specific activity of C degrading enzymes and led to the accumulation of POC in the organic horizon. Thus, soil C sequestration under reforestation of Chinese fir can be controlled by the amount of litter entering the soil and by metabolic C, N, and P limitations that force microorganisms to shift community structure and change their activity.

Open Access