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Molecular Computing with Deoxyribozymes

Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the molecular computing with deoxyribozymes. Silicomimetic molecular computing is based on an idea that individual molecules can perform basic logical operations and make simple decisions based on the presence or absence of multiple factors in solution. Using deoxyribozymes, nucleic acid catalysts made of DNA, and recognition regions for oligonucleotides—stem-loops—a so-called “full set of molecular logic gates,” was constructed in the study described in the chapter, which allowed for the combination of individual gates into more complex circuits. These gates and their circuits analyze the sets of oligonucleotides as inputs and produce changed substrate oligonucleotides as outputs. The chapter describes the initial efforts to integrate molecular computing devices with more traditional approaches to nanomedicine, such as those using nanoparticles for drug-delivery. This approach opens possibilities to increase the functional complexity of delivery systems. A three-layer cascade is described, in which microscopic particles coordinate their activity without any direct physical contact. The elementary unit of a network of microparticles is a single particle covered with a DNA computing or sensing element. Individual bead senses the presence of an input stimulus (or multiple stimuli) in solution, and, according to a set of rules encoded on this bead by computing elements, it releases an oligonucleotide signal as an output through a catalytic process.

DNA Polymerase ε: A Polymerase of Unusual Size (and Complexity)

Publisher Summary DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) is a large, multi-subunit polymerase that is conserved throughout all eukaryotes. In addition to its role as one of the three DNA polymerases responsible for bulk chromosomal replication, Pol epsilon is implicated in a wide variety of important cellular processes, including the repair of damaged DNA, DNA recombination, and the regulation of proper cell cycle progression. Pol e catalyzes DNA template-dependent DNA synthesis by a phosphoryl transfer reaction involving nucleophilic attack by the 30 hydroxyl of the primer terminus on the a-phosphate of the incoming deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP). The products of this reaction are pyrophosphate and a DNA chain increased in length by one nucleotide. The catalytic mechanism is conserved among DNA polymerases. It begins with binding of a primer template to the polymerase. Like all polymerases, Pol e ultimately does not generate all types of errors at equal rates, but rather has distinctive error specificity. Two features of Pol e error specificity are particularly interesting in light of its proposed biological roles in DNA replication. One is that Pol e is among the most accurate of DNA polymerases for single base deletion/insertion errors. Because indels are typically generated more frequently within repetitive sequences, this property may be relevant to the proposal that Pol e has a particularly important role in replicating heterochromatic DNA, which is enriched in repetitive sequences. Another is that a mutant derivative of Pol e has a unique base substitution error specificity that has been useful for inferring its role in replication of the leading strand template.

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Applications of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy to the Study of Nucleic Acid Conformational Dynamics

Publisher Summary This chapter provides an overview of the fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) technique, and focuses on its applications to the investigation of conformational dynamics of nucleic acids. FCS is a technique based on the measurement of the spontaneous fluctuations of the fluorescence signal of a small number of molecules. Fluorescence fluctuations are typically measured in an optically restricted submicron observation volume and then analyzed statistically to reveal kinetic information about the processes that lead to these fluctuations. Such processes include concentration fluctuations via molecular diffusion, chemical reactions, photophysical processes, and so on. To obtain dynamic or kinetic information from FCS experiments, the experimentally acquired auto- and cross-correlation functions have to be compared with the decays predicted by the appropriate physical models. The simplest FCS experiment involves measuring the intensity fluctuations of a fluorescent particle diffusing freely in three dimensions. For FCS to be useful in the study of conformational dynamics, the intensity of fluorescence of the probe has to be influenced by the conformation of the biopolymer being studied. The most common approach is to label the biopolymer with a fluorophore–quencher or donor–acceptor FRET pair, so that the efficiency of emission of the fluorophore is a direct measure of the distance between the two tags.

Site-directed Spin Labeling Studies on Nucleic Acid Structure and Dynamics

Publisher Summary This chapter summarizes the current site-directed spin labeling (SDSL) studies on nucleic acids, with discussions focusing on literature from the last decade. SDSL is useful in studying high molecular weight systems under physiological conditions. It has been particularly successful in studying systems (e.g., membrane proteins) that are difficult to investigate using other methods, such as X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. SDSL has been used to study nucleic acids, and data suggest that one can obtain unique structural and dynamic information about DNA and RNA at the level of individual nucleotides. The majority of nucleic acid SDSL studies have used one of two types of EPR measurements. Distance measurements between pairs of nitroxides provide direct structural constraints in nucleic acid systems. In addition, the mobility of a single-labeled nitroxide can be measured to yield structural and dynamic information at the labeling site. Because nucleic acids are different from proteins in the nature of the basic chemical constituents (4 nucleotides vs. 20 amino acids) and their secondary structural units (B-form/A-form doubled-stranded helix vs. α -helix/ β -sheet), SDSL of nucleic acids requires unique methodologies, particularly in the areas of nitroxide attachment and the correlation of the nitroxide behavior to that of the parent molecule.

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