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Human resource management in small enterprises

Small enterprises with fewer than 50 employees form the backbone of the economy in many countries and significantly contribute to gross domestic product, employment, and exports. Given their importance and role in economic development, economies can benefit from a strong, productive, innovative, growing small enterprises sector. Employees play an essential role in the development of small enterprises. For this reason, it is important to examine the extent to which small enterprise owners pay attention to human resource management and its development. Previous research on human resource management has mainly focused on large enterprises, while there is little evidence on how small enterprises manage and develop their employees. This paper analyses the approach to human resource management in two small Croatian enterprises. Based on six semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted with three different groups of employees – the senior manager, the middle manager, and the senior staff, two qualitative case studies were conducted to gain a deeper understanding of the approach to managing and developing employees in small enterprises. The findings suggest that small enterprise managers know the importance of their employees and the need to support their future development. Although small enterprises implement and adapt human resource management practices according to their capabilities and limitations, it is evident that fostering and empowering employees is embedded in their organizational culture.

Open Access
Unleashing the Power of Green: Sustainable Success through HRM, Supply Chains, and Innovation- A Comprehensive Review of Literature

The burgeoning interest in sustainable company success models has experienced significant growth in recent years. Despite certain advancements in identifying this idea and promoting sustainable practices, there needs to be more understanding of the optimal organizational architecture for developing new business models or implementing sustainability-oriented adjustments in current ones. This article aims to comprehensively analyze sustainable business models, specifically focusing on the power of green. Additionally, this article provides a research agenda for future studies that might contribute to advancing knowledge in this field. A group of empirical research papers published in reputable Scopus and WoS indexed Journals from 2018 to 2023 were chosen for this study. The selection process involved a systematic approach to categorizing and synthesizing the findings about the subject matter. Upon thoroughly examining the articles, it has been determined that sustainable success may be attained by focusing on three primary variables: Human resource management, supply chains, and innovation. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in green business. This study offers a framework for researchers to investigate emergent domains to attain sustainable development. Furthermore, this article presents suggestions and discussions regarding potential avenues for further research. Universities, organizations, and corporate entities can benefit from leveraging these valuable reviews to facilitate research.

Open Access
FPOs as a Sustainable Business: Factors impacting performance of Agriculture Collectives in India

In recent years, the government’s focus on promoting FPOs has led to an increase in FPOs multifold. However, with the fast growth of FPOs, it is important to identify what impacts the performance of FPOs. This study raised the question, “What impacts the performance of FPOs? This study attempts to identify the measures for the performance of the FPOs. The Delphi round was conducted with 26 experts identified from agriculture. The performance measures were identified and linked with the literature. In the second round of Delphi, the experts were provided with eleven measures for performance and were asked to rank them. Based on the weightage of each criterion the most important criteria were decided. The mean ranks and deviations of the performance measures were analyzed. The hypothesis test and Kendall’s coefficient of concordance have been further used to validate the performance measures. It has been observed that governance of the farmer-producer organization, financial support, and professional management are the core measures for farmer producer organizations. Measures like Management Information Systems, Business Plan Preparation, Share capital, Turnover, Infrastructure, Market Linkages, Technical Support, and Age of FPO play an important role in the performance of the FPOs. This study will be helpful for all the stakeholders, including FPOs themselves, funding agencies, skill-building organizations, etc.

Open Access
Inflation synchronisation strengthening in Europe in post-quantitative easing and post-pandemic high inflation times: consequences for single monetary policy management

This paper aims to find out whether the inflation rates of individual European Union (EU) countries are synchronised with those of the EU as a whole and with the euro area (EA). Another objective is to examine the mutual inflation interconnections and its synchronisation across countries. We use the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) and cross-correlations (C-C). Based on structural break tests, the period is divided into four periods: January 2001 - December 2008, January 2009 - March 2015, April 2015 - July 2021, August 2021 - April 2023. The results showed that the direction of the inflation transmission is not the same across the periods under study. Before the financial and economic crisis, Estonian inflation influenced Lithuanian inflation, which in turn influenced the Latvian one; while after the crisis (but just before the application of the ECB's quantitative easing) Latvian inflation is already influenced by Bulgarian inflation. Once quantitative easing had already been applied but in times before the ‘high inflation’ period, the inflation in Lithuania has no impact on the Latvian one. During the ‘high inflation’ period, results conclude the impact of Latvian inflation on the Estonian one. We also point out that inflation rates in some states are not always aligned with average inflation in the EU, the EA. Although, MST results showed that inflation is transmitted mainly from the EA average or the EA countries, having a more central position (e.g. Slovakia has generally a more central position than the Czech Republic, Hungary, or Poland). Therefore, countries having common monetary policy are more resistant to external inflation shocks and rather influence the inflation of other countries. Finally, even if inflation rates are synchronised, inflation may be outpaced or lagged by one to several months, which may present policymakers with the question of the appropriate monetary policy stance.

Open Access

Formulation of the problem. In the conditions of global competition, lean production acquires special importance. For enterprises all over the world, the only way to survive in the market is to produce goods and provide services that most fully satisfy the demands of consumers, while using advanced management methods and technologies. Lean manufacturing is one of the modern tools of production organization and management technology, which is used to improve the quality of products and services, the most complete satisfaction of consumer needs, while ensuring a careful attitude to the company's resources and their savings.
 The purpose of the study is the further development of methodological, methodical and practical approaches to the concept of Lean manufacturing to improve the quality of the enterprise's business processes.
 Research methods. The research used scientific methods, such as theoretical generalization, comparison, analysis, synthesis.
 Result. In the process of research, a comparison of traditional business management and the concept of lean production was made and revealed. that the concept of lean production has such advantages as the transition from centralized, vertical management to horizontal, involvement of all employees in the process, teamwork, focus on rational use of resources. The concept of lean production is aimed at eliminating the following main types of losses: overproduction of goods; waiting for raw materials, semi-finished products, necessary service information; unnecessary movement of materials; redundant processing steps arising due to errors in the design of business processes; excessive stocks and business processes leading to their occurrence; unjustified rotation of personnel in the work process; production of waste; underutilization of employees' creative potential.
 Conclusions. Six main elements and 52 components (requirements) of Lean manufacturing are defined based on the SAE J4000 standard for more successful application of lean manufacturing ideas in practice production to analyze the levels of implementation of lean manufacturing methodology components and elements. The main elements of the concept of lean manufacturing, the development and improvement of which should be focused on, are: company management and trust in it; enterprise personnel; information environment; chain "supplier – organization – consumer"; product; business processes. An important role in the concept of lean manufacturing is played by the 5S ordering system and the system of general maintenance of TPM equipment .
 Keywords: lean manufacturing; losses; flow of value creation; 5S ordering system; system of general maintenance of TPM equipment; SAE standard J4000.

Open Access

INTRODUCTION. The relevance of discussing management tools for supporting and revitalizing Ukraine's industry is of paramount importance in the context of contemporary challenges facing the country. Given the geopolitical and economic changes, Ukraine is confronted with the imperative to efficiently utilize resources and tools to support and rejuvenate its industrial sector, with the goal of establishing a resilient economy and addressing threats to national security.
 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS is that effective management of tools to support and revitalize the industrial sector can contribute to the creation of a sustainable economy in Ukraine and help the country overcome complex challenges associated with geopolitical and economic factors.
 THE AIM of this research is to analyze and propose effective management strategies and tools to support and revitalize Ukraine's industrial sector, with a focus on fostering economic sustainability and addressing challenges arising from geopolitical and economic factors.
 METHODS. The following methods were used for conducting the research: literature analysis, documentary analysis, system analysis, expert surveys, comparative analysis, and scenario modeling.
 FINDINGS. The conducted research has revealed that effective management of tools to support and restore the industry is crucial for creating a sustainable economy in Ukraine and can help the country overcome complex challenges related to geopolitical and economic factors. The results also confirmed the importance of realistic goals, balanced resource allocation, a monitoring and evaluation system, the creation of an investment climate, and collaboration with partners for the successful implementation of recovery programs.
 CONCLUSION. The conclusion of the study highlights that effective management of tools to support and restore Ukraine's industry is critically important for addressing contemporary economic and geopolitical challenges and for creating a sustainable economy. To achieve success in this endeavor, it is essential to establish realistic goals, allocate resources judiciously, implement a monitoring system, foster an investment-friendly climate, and actively collaborate with partners at both the national and international levels.
 KEYWORDS: management tools; industrial support; recovery; economy; conflict; geopolitical factors; resources; monitoring; investments; collaboration.

Open Access

INTRODUCTION. Sustainable development and victory in competition in the conditions of globalization and international division of labor can be ensured by enterprises that manage the quality of business processes on a systematic basis, which makes it possible to produce high-quality, environmentally safe products in an ethical way.
 THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY is the further development of methodological, methodical and practical approaches to the management of the quality of business processes of a fashion industry enterprise in the context of its achieving sustainable development.
 RESEARCH METHODS. The research used scientific methods of theoretical generalization, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, structural-logical analysis, historical method.
 RESULT. The high quality of products and services plays a decisive role in achieving sustainable development of the enterprise. The relationship between sustainable development and quality management at the evolution stages of enterprises and organizations is considered. Four stages have been identified, which correspond to organizational models, determined by a combination of the following features: closed – open system; rational – social thinking. The place of quality management and sustainable development in each organization’s model is determined. The quality chain reaction of E. Deming was supplemented and expanded with additional links of ecological and social component and it was shown that high product quality leads to a positive economic, social and ecological effect, i.e. ensures the sustainable development of the enterprise. The special role of the ecological component of sustainable development is highlighted. In order to avoid and counteract environmental threats, enterprises carry out rational nature management measures and processes of ecologically balanced development. The indicators of environmental protection activities in Ukraine 2016–2020 were reviewed.
 CONCLUSIONS. Sustainable development is the driver of quality management of business processes at the enterprise, which is confirmed by the logical chain of quality improvement influence on the economic, environmental and social components of sustainable development of the producer. The organization model in the period of open systems and social individual ensures comprehensive quality management and sustainable development of the enterprise. The quality management system of business processes at a fashion industry enterprise, which meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2015, is a tool for realizing the goals of sustainable development of the enterprise.
 KEYWORDS: sustainable development; quality; quality management; business process quality management system; E. Deming's chain; environmental protection activity.

Open Access