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The End of Neoliberalism? Byung-Chul Han’s and Yoko Ogawa’s Rediscovery of Contemplation in Accelerated Times

Several critical theorists have suggested that the way out of neoliberal capitalism is to accelerate it in order to force its collapse. In The Scent of Time, German-Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han calls for a different challenge to neoliberalism by way of a rediscovery of contemplation. Han suggests that contemplation can undercut the vita activa (or active life), which Han blames for the hyper-active neoliberal ways of being and living, as well for the seeming impossibility to end neoliberal time(s). This article examines Han’s thought on contemplation, highlighting his critique of both neoliberal time(s) and acceleration. It expands the scope of Han’s analysis by turning to Japanese author Yoko Ogawa’s novel The Housekeeper and the Professor. Ogawa’s novel revolves around time and memory. Ogawa offers a compelling understanding of contemplation that complicates Han’s thought. Ogawa’s sense of contemplation resists being defined by neoliberal modalities of living even though it often remains stuck in them. This article concludes by asking what it means for neoliberal subjects to allow Ogawa’s contemplation to enter their lives, and what critical possibilities it might bring.

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В статье проанализированы клинико-анамнестические данные, полученные в ходе наблюдения за 70 пациентами детского возраста, проходившими лечение в условиях дерматологического стационара Областного дерматовенерологического диспансера Туркестанской области с января по ноябрь 2024 года. Исследованием установлено, что в настоящее время сохраняется тенденция к росту заболеваемости детским псориазом. Клинически наиболее распространенной формой псориаза у детей в данном регионе является бляшечный псориаз. Наибольшие психологические проблемы, связанные с заболеванием испытывают пациенты в возрасте от 10-17 лет. Среди пациентов детского возраста отмечается низкий уровень приверженности лечению. На основании проведенного исследования авторами сделан вывод, что ведение пациентов детского возраста, страдающих псориазом, требует междисциплинарного подхода и дополнительного внимания не только дерматологов, но и педиатров, а также врачей смежных специальностей, работающих с детьми. The article analyzes the clinical and anamnestic data obtained during the observation of 70 pediatric patients who were treated in a dermatological hospital of the Regional Dermatovenerological Dispensary of the Turkestan region from January to November 2024. The study found that there is currently a trend towards an increase in the incidence of childhood psoriasis. Clinically, the most common form of psoriasis in children in this region is plaque psoriasis. The greatest psychological problems associated with the disease are experienced by patients aged 10-17 years. There is a low level of adherence to treatment among children's patients. Based on the conducted research, the authors concluded that the management of pediatric patients suffering from psoriasis requires an interdisciplinary approach and additional attention not only from dermatologists, but also pediatricians, as well as doctors of related specialties working with children.

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The Role of Artificial Intelligence on the Evolution of Accounting

Artifical intelligence nowadays is attracting the focus of both academics and practitioners due to its contrubtion in achieving major changes in business environment. Public accounting as field has benefited a lot from machine learning. Thus, this article aims to highlight the importance and influences of artifical intelligence on accounting. To achieve this aim, this article started with giving a brief overview about artifical intelligence and its evolution over time. This overview helps in showing the power of artifical intelligence and how it attracted investments of billion of dollars due to its leading role in reducing business costs and providing business solutions. Furthermore, the article identifies how artifical intelligence works as this helps accountants to better undertsand machine learning and identify how it can be optimally used in the field of accounting to get the best results. However, to be widely used in the field of accounting, major investments are required and this is one of the obstacles that faces regional small and mid-sized firms that do not have the required resources to effectively implement artifical intelligence. However, the availablity of pre-packaged applications that are offered by big companies such as Google and Amazon can enable small and mid-sized firms to benefit from artifical intelligence. Nonetheless firms will need to train their labor force to benefit from artifical intelligence. Despite the fact that artifical intelligence can help accounting professionals to perform their jobs more efficiently and eliminate reptitive tasks, it is important to note that maching learning cannot eliminate the accountants’ role. Artifical intelligence in the accounting field enables accountants to provide their companies with tecnhologies that can save time, increase the efficiency of tasks, reduce costs and help accountants focus more on value-adding activities.

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Category Context of the Etymology “Conflict”

The digitalization of the world, the conflict and variability of context in social networks turns people to search for the meanings and meanings of “conflict” in authoritative dictionaries that have their own categorical context, a reflection of the universal and the specific in a changing world. The study is updated by the need to resolve the conflict, which, without understanding the essence and context of conflicts, is the most complex theoretical and practical issue in professional negotiations. The purpose of the article is to understand the categorical context of the etymology of conflict in dictionaries. Research methodology. The article demonstrates the results of a holistic etymological study that goes through the stages of: searching for significant attributions as the meaningful meaning of the “conflict”; the subject field of “conflict” and the categorical range of similar and opposite meanings; searching for the opposite phenomenon; categorical context of the meaning of the conflict. The article discusses the “root”, “created” and “derived” meaning of the conflict. In “conflict” the following semantic essential attributions are defined: forceful, coercive, opposing, controversial, victimized and/or resource-loss aspects. The study of synonyms “dissentio”, “dissideo”, “discordo” and antonyms “consentio”, “concordo”, “consido”, “conveni” allows us to consider linear and non-linear interaction in the process of conflict formation and resolution. The opposite of “conflict” is “concordo”, as a reflection of coordination and removal of the contrast of sharp isolation. Basic to the conflict are the contexts of subjectification of an objective contradiction; ex- istential confrontation; crisis-government context; differentiation of “other” as an extroverted- introverted subjective conflict; social-environmental contradictions in the field of personality development The use of contextual meanings of dictionaries in content analysis allows us to determine the profile of changing conflict contexts.

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Мақала Қазақстан Республикасы Қылмыстық кодексінің 188-1-бабы бойынша қайталанатын қол сұғушылық үшін белгіленетін қылмыстық жауаптылықтың кейбір мәселелеріне арналған. Авторлардың пікірлері бойынша мүлікке қайталап қол сұғушылық жасаудың қоғамдық қауіптілігінің жоғарылығын есепке алу мәселесі қылмыстар рецидивінің қолданыстағы заңды құрылымына байланысты күрделене түсуде. Қылмыстың санаттық тиістілігіне сүйене отырып, елімізде кеңінен таралған әрекеттер бойынша нақты рецидивтің бірқатары арнайы есепке алудан тыс қалуда. Зерттеушілер Қазақстан Республикасы Қылмыстық кодексінің 188-1-бабы бойынша қайталанып және жүйелі түрде жасалатын қол сұғушылықтар үшін қылмыстық жауаптылық параметрлерін барынша мұқият саралай отырып, заңнамалық есепке алу қажет деп санайды. Авторлардың пікірінше, Қазақстан Республикасы Қылмыстық кодексінің 6-тарауына енгізілген бөтеннің мүлкін жымқыру мен қорқытып алу (жымқырудың арнайы құрамынсыз) шеңберінде қылмыстардың арнайы бірнеше рет жасалуы мен арнайы рецидив белгілерін қолданған жөн сияқты. Сонымен қатар Қазақстан Республикасы Қылмыстық кодексінің 188-1-бабының ерекше саралаушы белгілері ретінде малды жүйелі түрде ұрлау немесе кәсіпқойлық түрінде деген белгілерді қарастыруды ұсынады.

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