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Chemical Shifts of Artificial Monomers Used to Construct Heterogeneous-Backbone Protein Mimetics in Random Coil and Folded States.

The construction of protein-sized synthetic chains that blend natural amino acids with artificial monomers to create so-called heterogeneous-backbones is a powerful approach to generate complex folds and functions from bio-inspired agents. A variety of techniques from structural biology commonly used to study natural proteins have been adapted to investigate folding in these entities. In NMR characterization of proteins, proton chemical shift is a straightforward to acquire, information-rich metric that bears directly on a variety of properties related to folding. Leveraging chemical shift to gain insight into folding requires a set of reference chemical shift values corresponding to each building block type (i.e., the 20 canonical amino acids in the case of natural proteins) in a random coil state and knowledge of systematic changes in chemical shift associated with particular folded conformations. Although well documented for natural proteins, these issues remain unexplored in the context of protein mimetics. Here, we report random coil chemical shift values for a library of artificial amino acid monomers frequently used to construct heterogeneous-backbone protein analogues as well as a spectroscopic signature associated with one monomer class, β3-residues bearing proteinogenic side chains, adopting a helical folded conformation. Collectively, these results will facilitate the continued utilization of NMR for the study of structure and dynamics in protein-like artificial backbones.

Open Access
Computational design of stapled peptide inhibitor against SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain.

Since its first detection in 2019, the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) has been the cause of millions of deaths worldwide. Despite the development and administration of different vaccines, the situation is still worrisome as the virus is constantly mutating to produce newer variants some of which are highly infectious. This raises an urgent requirement to understand the infection mechanism and thereby design therapeutic‐based treatment for COVID‐19. The gateway of the virus to the host cell is mediated by the binding of the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the virus spike protein to the angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) of the human cell. Therefore, the RBD of SARS‐CoV‐2 can be used as a target to design therapeutics. The α1 helix of ACE2, which forms direct contact with the RBD surface, has been used as a template in the current study to design stapled peptide therapeutics. Using computer simulation, the mechanism and thermodynamics of the binding of six stapled peptides with RBD have been estimated. Among these, the one with two lactam stapling agents has shown binding affinity, sufficient to overcome RBD‐ACE2 binding. Analyses of the mechanistic detail reveal that a reorganization of amino acids at the RBD‐ACE2 interface produces favorable enthalpy of binding whereas conformational restriction of the free peptide reduces the loss in entropy to result higher binding affinity. The understanding of the relation of the nature of the stapling agent with their binding affinity opens up the avenue to explore stapled peptides as therapeutic against SARS‐CoV‐2.

Open Access
Bioactivity improvement via display of the hydrophobic core of HYD1 in a cyclic β-hairpin-like scaffold, MTI-101.

HYD1 is an all D‐amino acid linear 10‐mer peptide that was discovered by one‐bead‐one‐compound screening. HYD1 has five hydrophobic amino acids flanked by polar amino acids. Alanine scanning studies showed that alternating hydrophobic amino acid residues and N‐ and C‐terminal lysine side chains were contributors to the biological activity of the linear 10‐mer analogs. This observation led us to hypothesize that display of the hydrophobic pentapeptide sequence of HYD1 in a cyclic beta‐hairpin‐like scaffold could lead to better bioavailability and biological activity. An amphipathic pentapeptide sequence was used to form an antiparallel strand and those strands were linked via dipeptide‐like sequences selected to promote β‐turns. Early cyclic analogs were more active but otherwise mimicked the biological activity of the linear HYD1 peptide. The cyclic peptidomimetics were synthesized using standard Fmoc solid phase synthesis to form linear peptides, followed by solution phase or on‐resin cyclization. SAR studies were carried out with an aim to increase the potency of these drug candidates for the killing of multiple myeloma cells in vitro. The solution structures of 1, 5, and 10 were elucidated using NMR spectroscopy. 1H NMR and 2D TOCSY studies of these peptides revealed a downfield Hα proton chemical shift and 2D NOE spectral analysis consistent with a β‐hairpin‐like structure.

Open Access
Investigation of the structure-activity relationship in ponericin L1 from Neoponera goeldii.

Naturally derived antimicrobial peptides have been an area of great interest because of high selectivity against bacterial targets over host cells and the limited development of bacterial resistance to these molecules throughout evolution. There are also a significant number of venom-derived peptides that exhibit antimicrobial activity in addition to activity against mammals or other organisms. Many venom peptides share the same net cationic, amphiphilic nature as host-defense peptides, making them an attractive target for development as potential antibacterial agents. The peptide ponericin L1 derived from Neoponera goeldii was used as a model to investigate the role of cationic residues and net charge on peptide activity. Using a combination of spectroscopic and microbiological approaches, the role of cationic residues and net charge on antibacterial activity, lipid bilayer interactions, and bilayer and membrane permeabilization were investigated. The L1 peptide and derivatives all showed enhanced binding to lipid vesicles containing anionic lipids, but still bound to zwitterionic vesicles. None of the derivatives were especially effective at permeabilizing lipid bilayers in model vesicles, in-tact Escherichia coli, or human red blood cells. Taken together the results indicate that the lack of facial amphiphilicity regarding charge segregation may impact the ability of the L1 peptides to effectively permeabilize bilayers despite effective binding. Additionally, increasing the net charge of the peptide by replacing the lone anionic residue with either Gln or Lys dramatically improved efficacy against several bacterial strains without increasing hemolytic activity.

Open Access