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The literature study and preliminary analysis conducted showed that students' critical thinking skills were still low. This study aims to determine the characteristics of Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction (ARCS)-based learning tools that contain valid, practical, and effective HOTS questions to improve the critical thinking skills of class VIII students of SMP N 6 Padang Panjang. This research is a development research using the Plomp model. The learning tools developed are in the form of Learning Implementation Plans (RPP) and Student Activity Sheets (LKPD). The research subjects were students of class VIII SMP N 6 Padang Panjang. Data was collected through documentation, observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests of critical thinking skills. RPP Validity Score: 3.28 and LKPD: 3.21 with a valid category. Practicality of RPP: 92.08% and LKPD: 87.35% with very practical category. The effectiveness of learning tools based on testing the average critical thinking skills of the experimental class was 81.93, control class was 76.63. Based on statistical tests, a significance value of 0.048 <0.05 was obtained, and based on the list of t distribution tables with (𝑑𝑓)=60 and a=0.05, 1.671. Because t_count= 2.108>1.671=t_(table) then H0 is rejected and accepts H1. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the ARCS-based learning tools contain HOTS questions that meet valid, practical, and effective criteria to improve students' mathematical thinking skills.

Open Access
Analysis of Students' Metacognition Skills in Problem Solving Viewed from Extrovert Personality Types

Metacognition skills, namely planning, monitoring, and evaluation. The purpose of this study was to describe the metacognition of junior high school students in solving problems of extroverted personality types in the matter of a system of two-variable linear equations. This type of exploratory research with a qualitative approach. The subjects consisted of 2 junior high school students with extroverted personality types. Data collection techniques were carried out using personality type questionnaires, tests, and interviews. The research instrument consisted of a personality type questionnaire, test questions and interview guidelines. Data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the metacognition skills of the two subjects were different in solving problems. S1 and S2 subjects are aware of the planning process by using prior knowledge that can help them solve problems, determine what is known and asked correctly. In the monitoring process, the S1 subject can think of several strategies or methods, carry out the correct completion steps, and re-check the calculations made, whereas the S2 subject is less aware of the mistakes made in the steps of working on the problem he is doing. In the evaluation stage, the S1 subject evaluates the strategy, work steps or calculations in accordance with the objectives of the problem and draws the correct conclusions, while the S2 subject makes mistakes in the steps of working on the problem that he is not aware of and draws conclusions that are not correct.

Open Access
Development of the Integer Operations E-Module I-Spiringsuite in Junior High Schools in Makassar City, South Sulawesi

his type of research is research and development which aims to describe the development process of the integer arithmetic operations e-module, describe the quality of the e-module based on the level of validity, practicality and effectiveness, and show the specifications of the integer arithmetic operations e-module. The e-module development process refers to the ADDIE model which includes 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation , and evaluation . The product trial respondents were students in class VII 2 MTs Makassar City with a total of 20 students. The research results show that the validator's assessment of the e-module and research instruments received an average score of 4.18 with valid criteria. The results of the questionnaire data analysis of teacher responses to the e-module obtained an average score of 1.89 with the criteria being fully implemented and the learning implementation observation sheet showed a score percentage of 91.7% so that the e-module was declared practical. The results of the analysis of student response questionnaire data showed very good criteria with a percentage of 95.6%, student activity sheets obtained a percentage of 91.8% with very positive criteria, and the learning achievement test reached 90%, so that the integer counting operation e-module declared effective. Referring to the analysis results obtained, it can be concluded that the integer calculation operations e-module can be used in learning activities.

Open Access
Teacher Performance in Carrying out Cognitive Assessments in Mathematics Learning at State Junior High Schools in the District of Makassar City

This research uses a qualitative approach with the aim of knowing the teacher’s performance in conducting assessments in accordance with learning mathematics to achieve certain competencies in public junior high schools in the Makassar district. Data collection technique using documentation technique, observation technique, and interview technique. The research subjects were 3 mathematics teachers at Rappocini Middle School, Makassar District. The results of the study show that the teacher’s performance in planing cognitive assessments in mathematics at state Junior High School in the makassar city district is able to develop assessments tools that are in accordance with learning objective to achieve certain comptencies as written in the lesson plans. Meanwhile, teacher performance in carrying out cognitve assessments in the subject of mathematics in public middle schools in the district of Makassar city, namely carrying out assessments with various assessmnets technique and announcing the results and their implications for students, regarding the level of understanding of the learning material that has been and will be studied. Teacher performance in analyzing appropriate cognitive assessments by learning mathematics to achieve certain competencies in state Junior High School throughout the District of Makassar City, namely partly analyzing the results of the assessments to identify diffuclt basic indicators/competencies so that the strengths and weaknesses of each studnets are known for remedial and enrcihment purpose. The teacher’s performance in reflecting on the results of cognitive assessments in accordance with learning mathematics achive certain competencies in public middle schools in the district of Makassar City, namely that they have not maximaized/utilized input from students so that they do not reflect enough to imprive learning.

Open Access
Tiktok Social Media On Students' Mathematical Understanding Ability

Keberadaan berbagai platform media sosial merupakan hasil dari globalisasi seperti yang dipraktikkan saat ini. Salah satu platform media sosial yang paling terkenal adalah Media TikTok. Di media sosial TikTok, terdapat berbagai video. Ada banyak video pendidikan yang tersedia selain menyenangkan. Hal ini berdampak signifikan terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana platform media sosial TikTok mempengaruhi kemampuan pemahaman matematika siswa di SMP Negeri Kecamatan Bandar Khalipah. Penelitian asosiatif digunakan dalam jenis penelitian ini bersama dengan kuantitatif strategis. desain studi kasus one-shot. dan metodologi pra-eksperimental yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini.Populasi penelitian adalah 225 siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri di Kecamatan Bandar Khalipah tahun ajaran 2021-2022. Seluruh siswa SMPN 1 dan SMPN 2 dengan pilihan kelas VII-1 dan VII-2 yang berjumlah 50 siswa diambil sampelnya dari Kecamatan Bandar Khalipah. Instrumen tes dan angka digunakan untuk memperoleh data. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa media sosial TikTok berpengaruh positif sebesar 45% terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa di SMP Negeri Kecamatan Bandar Khalipah, dan berpengaruh sebesar 87,25% untuk SMP Negeri 1 dan 87,75% untuk SMP Negeri 2 masing-masing berdasarkan skor rata-rata butir soal matematika. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata kedua item sekolah tersebut cukup tinggi.diketahui bahwa media sosial TikTok memberikan pengaruh positif sebesar 45% terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa di SMP Negeri Kecamatan Bandar Khalipah, dan memberikan pengaruh masing-masing sebesar 87,25% untuk SMP Negeri 1 dan 87,75% untuk SMP Negeri 2 berdasarkan skor rata-rata. -rata item matematika. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata kedua item sekolah tersebut cukup tinggi. diketahui bahwa media sosial TikTok memberikan pengaruh positif sebesar 45% terhadap kemampuan pemahaman matematis siswa di SMP Negeri Kecamatan Bandar Khalipah, dan memberikan pengaruh masing-masing sebesar 87,25% untuk SMP Negeri 1 dan 87,75% untuk SMP Negeri 2 berdasarkan skor rata-rata. -rata item matematika. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata kedua item sekolah tersebut cukup tinggi.

Open Access