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Deviations from the Teachings of Ma’had Al-Zaytun: A Review on MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) Recommendations Toward Aswaja Ideology

In 2002, a research team from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) conducted research related to Ma’had Al-Zaytun. Deviation from the Teachings of Ma’had Al-Zaytun may occur in certain instances as the institution takes into consideration recommendations from the MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council). These recommendations serve as guidance for aligning their teachings with the religious principles and values upheld by the wider Muslim community in Indonesia. The research aims to determine some information regarding Ma'had Az-Zaitun cases, including Ma'had Az-Zaitun's religious activities and deviant religious teaching based on MUI. This study employs a qualitative case study methodology approach. The data was taken from news articles, journal articles, books, YouTube interviews, papers and other sources. Research shows that Panji Gumilang, as the leader of Ma'had Az-Zaitun and a teacher, engages in deviant religious teachings and practices that are against Aswaja’s doctrine. The derivations are Allowing adultery in certain conditions, allowing women in the front row in shalat, allowing women as khatib, and allowing women and non-Muslims in the same prayer row, following the madhab of Bung Karno, singing 'havenu shalom aleichem' which is thick with Judaism, Al-Qur’an based on what Muhammad prophet words, and interpreting the Al-Quran haphazardly which does not comply with the methodology of scientific interpretation of verses, both in terms of the evidence used or the madlul or meaning.

Open Access
Leadership Model of Pesantren The Counteract of Religious Blasphemy Movement In Indonesia

Islamic student boarding school (pesantren) an institution that operates in the fields of religion, education, and society, has recently received a sharp focus on issues of religious radicalism and terrorism. Pesantren has long been an institution that has an important contribution to participate in the intellectual life of the Indonesian nation. This study aims to analyze the leadership model in student boarding schools that can counteract the growth and development of religious radicalism movements in Indonesia. This research was phenomenological qualitative research that took place in three student boarding schools in Java, Indonesia. The three student boarding schools were the Al-Hikam Student Islamic Boarding School in Malang City, the Al-Jihad Student Islamic Boarding School in Surabaya, and the Budi Mulia Student Islamic Boarding School in Sleman Yogyakarta. Sources of data used included boarding school administrators, students, and alumni, as well as documents and archives. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, document searches, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Data analysis was carried out phenomenologically with a systematic procedure. The research findings show that the leadership models in the three student boarding schools generally have similarities even though each pesantren has its characteristics. The leadership model in the three student Islamic boarding schools includes democratic leadership, which is managed in a systematic, open, collegial, and decentralized manner with many individuals who do not fully rely on charisma and are not completely paternalistic. This democratic leadership model has proven to be effective in countering religious radicalism movements in student boarding schools in particular and in society in general.

Open Access
Innovative Paths to Character: Online Learning's Role in Instilling Independence and Responsibility in Islamic Education

Every youth in the digital world must exhibit the attributes of independence and responsibility. Equipped with the qualities of autonomy and accountability, youngsters residing in the digital age will possess the ability to endure. The objective of this study is to ascertain the impact of online learning on the assimilation of the qualities of self-reliance and accountability among high school (SMA) students. This study employed a quantitative methodology utilizing random sampling procedures. A total of 179 students were included in the sample. The data were gathered through the use of a questionnaire and examined using a basic linear regression analysis. The findings indicate a substantial impact of 47.9% of online learning on the acquisition of independence and 31% on the development of responsibility. The qualities of autonomy and accountability can be absorbed through the process of habituation and the influence of exemplary educators, both within and outside the confines of the classroom. The study's findings emphasize the necessity of a comprehensive approach to education in the digital age, recognizing the substantial influence of online learning on the development of students' personality. By considering these consequences, it is possible to develop purposeful and efficient character education approaches in the changing realm of digital education.

Open Access
An Analysis of Early Childhood Mental And Character Education in Rural Areas in Indonesia

This study was based on the imbalance between early childhood education (ECE) in most areas in the West Part of Indonesia and the East Part of Indonesia. ECE in most places in the East Part of Indonesia shows low quality of ECE compared to the West Part of Indonesia. We aim to investigate the condition of rural and underdeveloped areas with the lowest GDP in two regions in the East part of Indonesia, Sula and Taliabu in North Moluccas Province. Secondary Data Analysis (SDA) draws from several government reports and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on Early Childhood Education in Sula and Taliabu, which include the data on Teacher’s Academic qualifications, School Facilitation, and teacher-student ratio. We compared this data with published government regulations and recent studies regarding the Teachers' Academic Qualification, School Facilitation, and teacher-student ratio standard with the field data in Sula and Taliabu Islands. Findings and recommendations are presented. Results show that most teachers in Sula and Taliabu in North Moluccas Province are High School Graduates. Most schools only have one classroom, no library, a high teacher-student ratio, and poor internet access. These conditions are not only far from the standard of quality of ECE in Indonesia set by government rules and regulations but also not conducive to teaching and learning activities.

Open Access
Concept and Practice of Tarbiyatun Nafs in Formal and Informal Educational Institutions

This research aims to understand how soul education (tarbiyatun nafs) is implemented at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra and the Jabal Hindi Thariqah in shaping students and pupils with noble character, intelligence, caring, and well-mannered. By combining knowledge and virtuous conduct, intelligence is the main objective of this research in the two locations. The methodology used is qualitative field research, employing descriptive analysis with the results based on descriptive phenomena and participatory observation. The research was conducted at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra and the Naqshbandiyah Jabal Hindi Thariqah to examine the concepts of soul education held by both institutions and to compare these concepts as a means towards achieving true soul education in the field of Education, ultimately contributing to the development of a morally upright society. The findings reveal that the State Islamic University of North Sumatra has developed an educational concept that integrates moral excellence into every aspect of campus life, with the entire campus community directed towards goodness, serving as role models and fostering ideal imagination. It acts as a stimulus and catalyst for the students' personalities through spiritual and physical guidance. The Naqshbandiyah Jabal Hindi Thariqah places the soul as a faith that can be attained through contemplation, reflection, and remembrance, leading to the purification of the heart and soul (tazkiyatul qalb and nafs) achieved through spiritual practices to attain the pleasure of Allah. It stems from the servant's love towards Allah SWT and strengthens the physical body to achieve success (economically) to establish prosperity and noble civilization. The results of this research can be compiled into a textbook and contribute to society, especially for students and pupils.

Open Access
The Concept Of Education Management In The Post-Conflict Regions Of West Kalimantan: A Study Of Ibn Khaldun’s Thought

This article discusses the management of education in schools in the thought of Ibn Khaldun. The approach used in this study is qualitative, and the type of research is literature research. This research combines data collection techniques with document studies so that data in the form of journals and books related to Ibn Khaldun are used as primary sources in this study and refer to the work of Ibn Khaldun. The data used relates to Ibn Khaldun’s thoughts on Islamic education management. This research shows that, at least in the implementation of education management in schools, four aspects are mutually integrated: educators, students, learning materials, and learning methods. Ibn Khaldun’s perspective on educational management can be applied to educational institutions such as the Madrasah in West Kalimantan. Moreover, educational practices in West Kalimantan are still unable to overcome problems, especially in building an atmosphere of peace between students, both ethnic and religious. Educators in Madrasah, especially in West Kalimantan, can integrate learning materials with tolerance and student backgrounds without raising ethnic or religious stereotypes. The learning method can be done by understanding the material and mapping the material that can be related to building peace in West Kalimantan.

Open Access
Analysis of the Influence Physical Education on Character Development of Elementary School Students

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pendidikan jasmani terhadap pembangunan karakter siswa sekolah dasar. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah pentingnya pendidikan jasmani dalam pembentukan karakter siswa di usia dini, mengingat karakter yang baik dapat membantu siswa dalam menghadapi tantangan dan situasi kehidupan di masa depan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur, dengan mengumpulkan data dari sumber-sumber terpercaya seperti jurnal ilmiah, buku, dan artikel terkait. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik content analysis untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap pengaruh pendidikan jasmani pada pembangunan karakter siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan jasmani dapat membantu siswa dalam membentuk karakter yang baik seperti disiplin, kerja keras, percaya diri, kerjasama, dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu, pendidikan jasmani juga dapat membantu meningkatkan kesehatan fisik dan mental siswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa pendidikan jasmani memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pembangunan karakter siswa sekolah dasar. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan jasmani harus diberikan dengan serius dan terintegrasi dengan kurikulum sekolah untuk memastikan bahwa siswa dapat mengembangkan karakter yang baik dan sehat secara holistik.

Open Access
Towards A Bully-Free Pesantren: The Role of Educational Management With Adaptive Psychology and Mental Health Interventions

Bullying's complexity is influenced not only by the individual's features and behavioural tendencies but also by the practice of family upbringing, as well as environmental elements such as the frequency and type of bullying. A qualitative paradigm is used in the research. The sampling method employing the purposive sampling technique seeks to identify teenagers who have been bullied. Interviews, observations, and documentation reviews of bullying episodes were used to collect data. Dayah leaders in the area of parenting serve as study informants. The veracity of the data is checked using sources of persons involved in bullying. Data triangulation techniques and peer discussion were used to examining the data. The findings revealed that verbal bullying occurred in Islamic boarding schools. Adaptive psychology is demonstrated through students' communication abilities, which are classified as passive communication, aggressive communication, and forceful communication. Meanwhile, adaptive techniques such as enhancing teacher counselling abilities (informative-communicative), monitoring assessments, and anti-bullying policies are used to provide mental health coaching. Students, on the other hand, are expected to cooperate with the facts of the occurrence under the structure of the solution-focused counselling strategy. Cultural reference, resources, research literature, formalization, and pesantren policy are all institutionally focused on in adaptive psychology. So far, the pesantren are concerned about their reputation; consequently, the societal consequences of this study need pesantren management to be upfront whenever bullying occurs.

Open Access
The Urgency of Islamic Character Education to Anticipate Bullying Behavior in Boarding Schools

Pendidikan karakter Islam memainkan peran penting dalam mengurangi perilaku bullying di sekolah berasrama, dengan membentuk perilaku siswa yang santun, toleran, dan menghargai perbedaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis urgensi pendidikan karakter Islam dalam mengantisipasi perilaku bullying di sekolah berasrama melalui metode studi literatur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik analisis studi literatur. Sumber data diperoleh dari berbagai referensi seperti buku, artikel jurnal, dan hasil penelitian terkait dengan pendidikan karakter Islam dan bullying di sekolah. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan karakter Islam memiliki urgensi yang tinggi dalam mengantisipasi perilaku bullying di sekolah berasrama. Pendidikan karakter Islam dapat membentuk perilaku siswa yang santun, toleran, dan menghargai perbedaan. Selain itu, pendidikan karakter Islam juga dapat meningkatkan empati, kepedulian, dan keberanian siswa untuk melawan bullying. Oleh karena itu, sekolah berasrama perlu memperkuat pendidikan karakter Islam dalam kurikulumnya dan mengintegrasikannya ke dalam kegiatan sehari-hari di sekolah. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pendidikan karakter Islam memiliki urgensi yang penting dalam mengantisipasi perilaku bullying di sekolah berasrama. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan karakter Islam harus menjadi bagian yang penting dalam kurikulum pendidikan di sekolah berasrama untuk membentuk perilaku siswa yang baik dan mengurangi perilaku bullying di sekolah.

Open Access