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Implementasi Perbup Kediri Tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa Melalui SISKEUDES di Desa Wanengpaten Kabupaten Kediri

This article or article aims to describe and analyze the implementation along with the driving and inhibiting factors of the Kediri Regent Regulation Number 47 of 2018 concerning village financial management through the SISKEUDES application in Wanengpaten Village, Gampengrejo District, Kediri Regency. The problem is focused on policy implementation. In order to approach this problem, Edward III's theoretical references are used which consist of communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The research method in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data were collected through interviews and observation. This study concludes that it shows that the implementation of this regulation has not been fully implemented optimally. This can be seen from the top down communication dimension, so that the communication tends to be force majeure. The quality of the resources handling this program is far from being good. The educational background of village officials still does not meet the specifications to implement this policy. It is different from the dispositional dimension, related to the attitude and motivation of policy actors, which can be said to be positive. Activity executors have high enthusiasm and are solid in the context of the success of the SISKEUDES policy. Meanwhile, in terms of bureaucratic structure, there is no flow or policy implementation guidelines made by the internal village office. Factors that are key determinants of the successful implementation of this policy are the existence of adequate supporting facilities, and the existence of intense cooperation. Meanwhile, the factors that have the potential to cause the implementation of this policy to fail are inadequate human resource barriers, software that always experiences errors, and a lack of technical guidance which results in the slow development of operational mastery of the village apparatus.

Open Access
Kepemimpinan Inovatif Kepala Daerah Dalam Implementasi Inovasi Smart Kampung

The innovative leadership of the Regional Head of Banyuwangi Regency in the implementation of Smart Kampung Innovation will be seen and measured the extent to which the Regional Head's commitment and political will in providing public services and providing public goods to its citizens. In addition, the innovative leadership capacity of the Regional Head will also be reviewed in terms of: aspects of the vision-mission of the development of innovation that is built, strategic steps taken to encourage innovation, and the stability of its leadership. This study uses a qualitative approach ( qualitative approach ). Data sources include people (informants), events and places as well as documents. Data collection techniques include in -depth interviews, documentation and observation. The data analysis technique used is an interactive model ( interactive model analysis ). The results of the study indicate that the Smart Village Innovation is a technology-based program that focuses on rural communities as well as the implementation center at the village office. Smart village innovation is a village development program initiated by the Banyuwangi Regency Government. This program designs villages to have an integrated program framework that combines the use of fiber-optic-based Information and Communication Technology (ICT), productive economic activities, creative economic activities, improving education, health, and poverty alleviation efforts. The innovative leadership of the Banyuwangi Regency Head in implementing smart kampung innovation can be measured through the commitment and political will of the Regional Head, namely 1) the vision of "The Realization of an Independent, Prosperous and Noble Banyuwangi Community through Economic Improvement and the Quality of Human Resources" through programs innovations that will be carried out, 2) the development of innovative policies and programs called smart villages , 3) the Banyuwangi Regency Government in this case the regent has taken the initiative to provide quality services according to the mandate of Law Number 25 of 2019 concerning public services which states that organizers are obliged to provide services that are in accordance with standards in terms of quality, cheap and fast services and to reduce educational and economic disparities, and 4) the Regional Head targets that in 2018 the implementation of the Smart Kampung innovation program has been realized in all villages in Banyuwang Regency.

Open Access
Analisis Dinamika Hubungan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah Dalam Penanggulangan Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia

The condition of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 or COVID-19 pandemic, which has been increasingly endemic in Indonesia since 2020, has resulted in a problem of authority between the Central Government and the Regional Government. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between the Central and Regional Governments in tackling the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach. Literature studies are used to analyze the relationship between the center and regions in handling the COVID-19 pandemic. This approach involves a conceptual process and generates identification in understanding the problem. The results of the study show that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected every dimension of life, including central and regional relations in the corridors of decentralization in Indonesia. The government's efforts to deal with the pandemic and its impact on the socio-economic community have led to initiatives from the regional government. On the other hand, this initiative raises problems in the governance of central and regional relations. The central government must strengthen coordination with regional governments to deal with COVID-19. On the other hand, regional governments also need to be given the freedom to innovate in handling COVID-19, which cannot be predicted when it will end, provided that they do not have to overstep the authority of the central government and violate existing laws and regulations. Thus, it is hoped that Indonesia can jointly overcome the COVID-19 outbreak well, both at the central and regional levels in a synergistic manner.

Open Access
Implementasi peraturan daerah Kabupaten tulungagung nomor 1 tahun 2020 Tentang penyelenggaraan dan pelayanan pasar

This research is motivated by the author's interest in seeing how traditional markets in modern times like today and in Islam recommend that everything should be neat, correct, orderly and orderly. The existence of traditional markets is one of the important sectors that support the people's economy. The negative image of traditional markets is identical to the poor physical aspects of buildings, management and slum management. Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2020 concerning Market Implementation and Services is one of the regional regulations made by the regional government of Tulungagung Regency which is used to regulate macro-wise how market arrangements can be implemented. This study uses a descriptive type of research with a qualitative approach, because the researcher wants to present the results of the study by describing the actual situation. Data collection techniques using interviews with selected informants, namely the Head of UPT Pasar Rakyat Ngemplak, fruit, vegetable and pracang tradersThe results of the study found that the implementation and service at the Ngemplak People's Market, Tulungagung Regency based on Regional Regulation Number 01 of 2020, went well and was in line with expectations. The determining factors for the success of the Implementation and Service of the Ngemplak People's Market in Tulungagung Regency based on Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2020 are: communication, resources, disposition, bureaucratic structure, Social, Political and Economic Conditions as well as standards and targets.

Open Access
Penguatan Moderasi Umat Buddha dalam Perspektif Nilai Simbol Relief Gandawyuha Candi Borobudur

This article aims to describe a model of strengthening Buddhist moderation through the symbolic value of the Gandavyuha reliefs at Borobudur Temple. The problem focused on Buddhist teachings manifested in various cultures. Buddhist adherents have ideologies until sectarian classes emerge. Buddhists believe that Borobudur Temple is a local wisdom that is sacred of values and religious values as a guide for behavior. To approach this problem, the theory of symbolic interaction is used. The method used to analyze descriptive holistic analysis. The results stated that first, the Gandavyuha Relief of Borobudur Temple contains the values of religiosity, openness, tolerance, love, equality, and patience. Second, the diversity of Buddhist ritual culture can be seen from the differences in symbols, including differences in symbol systems, artifact symbols, and language symbols. Buddhists in Indonesia live side by side and uphold the diversity of ritual cultures. Third, public space built by Buddhists as a model of moderation that is formed and mutually agreed upon. Fourth, moderation built through public spaces is in harmony with the Gandavyuha reliefs of the Borobudur Temple, the actions of Buddhists as a representation of the value of the Borobudur symbol. Relief Gandawyuha as a representation of religious moderation upholds the values of tolerance and the universality of the law of truth.

Open Access
Analisis Efektivitas Pelayanan E-Ktp Melalui Aplikasi Sibisa ( Studi Kasus Kantor Kecamatan Medan Marelan )

The SIBISA application is a digital population administration and civil registration service application system using a papaerless office (PLO) and can integrate several service systems that have been built to become a synergistic and integrated service process based on the legal basis of Law no. 24 of 2013 related to the amendment of Law no. 23 of 2006 concerning population administration and civil registration. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of SIBISA services and the obstacles in implementing services in the Medan Marelan sub-district. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method that provides a clear description of the problems studied using Zeithaml's theory of public services with five service indicators, namely tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Data collection techniques used through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the effectiveness of the E-KTP service through the SIBISA application in the Medan Marelan sub-district is quite effective compared to manual services starting from the services provided, the responsiveness of an employee to the community and the guarantee provided from the sub-district to the community through the management of the E-KTP. cannot be faked. The factors that affect the effectiveness of SIBISA services are computer networks, technical capabilities/skills of service providers and inadequate facilities and infrastructure.

Open Access