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The Impact of MOCK UP Media on Concept Understanding in Science Materials for Class V at SDN 9 Aceh Utara

The low understanding of the concept of fifth-grade students at SDN 9 Aceh Utara in science lesson theme 4 sub-theme 1 is due to the minimal use of instructional media in the learning process, so there is a need for learning media that can improve students’ understanding of concepts, one of which is Mock Up media. This study aims to determine the effect of Mockup media on conceptual understanding in science subjects for class V theme 4 sub-theme 1 at SDN 9 Aceh Utara. This type of research is a quantitative research with an experimental approach. The population in this study were all fifth-grade students at SDN 9 Aceh Utara, totaling 71 students. Sampling using Random Sampling. The research sample was students from two classes, namely 23 students from class V A as the experimental class and 23 students from class V B as the control class. The data collection technique in this study was in the form of a test of 20 questions in the form of a pretest and posttest, with data analysis using SPSS 23. Hypothesis testing using t-test. Based on the research results obtained tcount = 3.513 and ttable = 2.015. This means that tcount > ttable, namely 3.513 > 2.015 at a significance level of 0.05, meaning reject H0 and accept Ha. It can be concluded that there is an influence of Mock Up media on understanding concepts in grade V science subjects, theme 4, sub-theme 1 at SDN 9 Aceh Utara.

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Strategy for Developing Religious Character through the Al-Qur'an Education Park Program at MI Tholabuddin Gandusari Blitar

This study aims to analyze strategies for shaping religious character through the Al-Qur'an Education Park program. The research was conducted at MI Tholabuddin Gandusari Blitar. This study uses a qualitative approach to field research. Data collection techniques with in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The primary data source taken was the head of the madrasa, the coordinator of the Al-Qur'an Education Park, and the deputy head of curriculum, teachers, and students. Data analysis by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and concluding research results. The focus of the research is on learning, learning methods, and character religious building through the Al-Qur'an Education Garden program. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded: (1) The learning of the Al-Qur'an educational garden program in forming religious character is reading and writing the Al-Qur'an with adjustments to learning materials according to the level of student abilities; (2) The learning method for the Al-Qur'an educational garden program is the tactile method with the implementation of learning using the drill method and the sorogan method; (3) Instilling religious character through the Al-Qur'an educational garden program with habits such as inculcating the morning creed, congregational prayers, time discipline, and exemplary teachers.

Open Access
The Effect of the Congklak Game Method on Class 3 MIN 3 Central Aceh Students' Capability to Count

Students' ability to count for first-grade students is still lacking. Students should be able to recognize numbers and count at least to reach the number 20 and the same condition is also experienced by grade one students at MIN 3 Aceh Tenggara. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the congklak game method on the numeracy skills of Class 1MIN 3 Aceh Tenggara. The type of research used by researchers is quantitative with an experimental approach. Based on the data that has been analyzed, there is a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class and it can be seen from the average value of the experimental class pretest obtained 35.87 and the control class obtained 39.78, then there an increase in the posttest average value for the experimental class after the implementation congklak media, but combined with number card media which is equal to 73.91 and for the control class it is equal to 47.17. Testing the hypothesis using the Independent Sample T-Test test so that the post-test scores obtained significant results of 0.000 <0.05 and t count > t table = 6.089 > 2.015, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted which can be concluded that there is an influence of the congklak game method on students' numeracy skills in Class 1MIN 3 Southeast Aceh.

Open Access
The Impact of Puppet Show Media on Grade 3 Students' Listening Skills at SDN 1 Syamtalira Bayu

The low creativity of teachers in determining learning media makes students experience difficulties in listening. One of the things that underlies the achievement of learning is the availability of media in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, the researcher formulated this study with the title "The Influence of Puppet Show Media on Students' Listening Skills in Theme 2 Class 3 SDN 1 Syamtalira Bayu". The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there was an effect of the use of puppet show media on listening skills in grade III elementary school students. The method used is quantitative with a quasi-experimental approach. Sources of research data were all grade III of SDN 1 Syamtalira Bayu, totaling 21 students in the experimental class and 21 students in the control class. The data collection technique in this study was a test with the results of the research that there was an influence by using Puppet Show media on the listening ability of class III students. In testing the hypothesis, the price of tcount is 2,164 and ttable is 1,683 after testing at a significant level α = 0.05/2 and df = 40 based on the criteria for testing the hypothesis, then reject H0, because tcount > table, namely 2,164 > 1,683, then Ho is rejected, Ha is accepted, which means there is an influence in the use of puppet show media on students' listening skills on the theme of class 2 class III SDN 1 Syamtalira Bayu.

Open Access