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Developing Basic English Module for Junior High School to Promote Students’ Cognitive Development

A module is a supplementary tool for existing teaching materials, allowing students to engage in independent learning by exploring the concepts presented within the module. This approach can enhance students' competence and foster their enthusiasm for the subject. The research aims to ascertain the English material requirements of seventh-grade students at SMPN 4 Bandar Lampung and create a comprehensive English curriculum for this grade level at the abovementioned school. The ADDIE model was utilized to achieve the stated objectives. The need analysis was carried out before the creation of the material. Based on the expert judgment of the material, it has been determined that the average score (X) is 3.6. The score is classified as good due to its placement within the 3.5 < X < 3.75 interval. However, there are two aspects that experts believe require further improvement. These aspects include enhancing the accessibility of the module's materials for students to comprehend and ensuring that the illustrations align with the content presented in the module. To enhance the comprehensibility of the module's content for students, the expert recommended providing more explicit instructions for each step of the activities students must undertake.Regarding the illustrations provided per the module's content, experts have recommended incorporating additional illustrations to enhance the module's level of engagement. Based on the expert judgment and evaluation of the presentation, it has been determined that the average score (X) is 3.75. Based on the obtained score, the categorization can be deemed satisfactory, as the value of X falls within the interval of 3.5 < X < 3.75. The expert has recommended an enhancement of the references or supporting materials. The expert recommended incorporating additional references to enhance the comprehensiveness of the module. Based on the expert judgment of the material, it has been determined that the average score (X) is 3.75. Based on the obtained score, it can be classified as satisfactory, as the X value falls within the 3.5 < X < 3.75 range. The expert recommended one aspect for improvement, specifically regarding the alignment of language usage with the student's cognitive development stage. The expert posited that certain languages may present a level of complexity that surpasses students' cognitive abilities. Consequently, it is recommended that these languages be modified or adapted to better align with the student's learning capacities.

Open Access
Analyzing Context Clues in Novel Based on Bauman's Theoretical Framework

Context clues are valuable tools employed by authors to assist readers in comprehending unfamiliar or complex vocabulary. These clues, whether intentionally or inadvertently provided, facilitate the reader's understanding and interpretation of the word in question. Drawing upon Bauman's theoretical framework, the present study sought to investigate the diverse contextual cues utilized by the author within the literary work entitled "Jet Black and the Ninja Wind." The primary objective of this investigation was to gain a comprehensive understanding of the semantic nuances associated with unfamiliar lexical items employed in the literary work "Jet Black and the Ninja Wind." Additionally, this study aimed to identify and analyze the predominant types of contextual cues prominently present within the book above. In this study, a descriptive qualitative approach was utilized by the researcher. The data collection method employed in this study involved the utilization of documentation as a means to gather relevant information. The human instrument, the researcher herself, was utilized as the primary instrument in this research endeavor. The data analysis process in this study consisted of three distinct stages: data condensing, data displaying, and conclusion drawing. Investigator triangulation was also employed in this study to corroborate and substantiate the findings derived from the comprehensive analysis of the collected data. After conducting an extensive examination of Jet Black and the Ninja Wind, 56 unfamiliar terms were identified. These terms were subsequently categorized into four distinct groups, taking into consideration contextual clues that suggested each group possessed a particular semantic significance. The categorization of context hint types encompasses inference/general cues, synonym/restatement clues, antonym/contrast clues, and definition/explanation clues. In the literary work entitled "Jet Black and the Ninja Wind," the author predominantly utilized various types of context clues, including but not limited to synonym/restatement clues, inference/general hint clues, definition/explanation clues, and antonym/contrast clues.

Open Access
An application of factor analysis to assess the influences of digital marketing on the brand building

This study highlights how digital marketing has made people know more about brands and promote brands in the market through technology. The study focuses on the effects of digital marketing on the branding of a specific product, the Apple brand (iPhone). With a special focus on the factors that make the iPhone brand more popular than other brands. The purpose of this study is to investigate the concept of digital marketing and examine the effects of digital marketing on brand creation, as well as to investigate the factors that make Apple's mobile phones more popular than other brands. This study helps to identify the relationship between digital marketing and brand building in the Kurdistan Region. Through quantitative research methodology, judicial sampling was used to collect data from 184 respondents, the study targeted people who use iPhones. The scope of this study was conducted in Halabja, Sulaimani and Erbil through questionnaire forms in South Iraqi Kurdistan. The findings show that digital advertising is a significant factor in differentiating the iPhone brand, increasing brand awareness and enhancing familiarity with product variety. The study suggests that businesses should incorporate digital marketing strategies into their marketing mix to build their brands effectively.

Open Access
Analyzing the Suitability of English Reading Materials: The Correlation between the Readability Level and Narrative Reading Comprehension

The observed low reading proficiency among Indonesian students can be attributed to several variables, such as the level of readability or the degree of text difficulty. The comprehension of the suitability of texts for students was of utmost importance for English teachers. The correlational research methodology was employed in this study to ascertain the presence or absence of a statistically significant relationship between student reading comprehension and the outcome variable under investigation. The participants of this study consisted of tenth-grade students from SMA Gajah Mada and SMAN 7 Bandar Lampung, who were selected to participate in the research project conducted throughout the 2020-2021 academic year. To acquire pertinent data regarding the reading comprehension abilities of pupils, an assessment specifically designed to evaluate reading comprehension was administered. A total of 12 narrative reading materials were identified in this study, sourced from three different textbooks: the Pathway to English Textbook published by Erlangga, the Talk Active Textbook authored by Yudhistira, and the Bahasa Inggris Textbook developed by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The researcher evaluated text readability using the Flesch Reading Ease Formula, with the subsequent classification of the readability level based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level. The results of this study revealed a statistically significant positive correlation (r = 0.9054). A selection of six narrative reading materials, deemed suitable for tenth-grade students, was made accessible.

Open Access
Determining Moral Value in Movies: An Analysis of the Movie “Onward”

Recent trends indicate a discernible decrease in the perceived significance of education, particularly among the adolescent and student demographic. The observed phenomenon can be attributed to a potential lack of parental emphasis on cultivating educational values in their offspring during early developmental stages, particularly in the contemporary era. The acquisition of knowledge through the guidance of teachers primarily centers on the assimilation of academic content, with limited attention given to examining potential moral decline among educators. The mitigation of this issue necessitates the active involvement of educators. Educators necessitate a medium that possesses the capacity to facilitate the instruction of various subjects, all the while ensuring that it imparts educational worth to the students. One of the forms of media that has gained significant popularity and cultural influence is the medium of film, commonly referred to as movies. The present study aims to explore and analyze the moral value embedded within the animated film titled "Onward." The data collection methods employed by the researcher encompassed both descriptive and qualitative approaches. The present study encompasses a three-step data analysis process: data condensation, data display, and conclusions verification. The researcher ultimately employed investigator triangulation to corroborate and substantiate the findings derived from the comprehensive analysis of the collected data. The research subject under investigation pertains to a cinematic production titled "Onward," which Dan Scanlan and C.S. Anderson co-directed. The researcher has identified various moral values depicted in the movie, including honesty, bravery, self-confidence, unselfishness, respect, love, and kindness. Through the examination and analysis of moral values, it is anticipated that cultivating virtuous qualities will contribute to developing a commendable character in a child. This process entails consistent endeavor, perseverance towards attaining personal goals, and unwavering affection and devotion towards one's familial unit.

Open Access
Enhancing Speaking Ability Through Pop-Up Card: Its Effects on Students’ Speaking Proficiency

The primary aim of this study is to assess the efficacy of employing pop-up card media to enhance students' speaking proficiency during the initial semester of eighth grade at SMPN 2 Gadingrejo in the 2020/2021 academic year. In this study, the researcher employed a quasi-experimental design consisting of two distinct classes: experimental and control classes. The experimental group received instruction utilizing pop-up cards, whereas the control group received instruction utilizing textbooks. Each class was administered the identical pre-test and post-test. The investigator employed an oral examination as a means of data collection for the research. The research sample consisted of eighth-grade students from SMPN 2 Gadingrejo. The research samples comprised two classes, VIII 1 and VIII 2, with 62 students. The experimental class consisted of 30 students, while the control class had 32 students. The researcher analyzed the data using an independent sample t-test. The analysis results indicated that the utilization of pop-up card media positively impacted the speaking ability of students at SMP N 2 Gadingrejo during the academic year 2020/2021. The data analysis conducted using SPSS yielded a significance value (Sig) of 0.000 and an alpha level (α) of 0.05. The acceptance of Ha is indicated by the p-value of 0.000 is less than the significance level of 0.05. Hence, the utilization of pop-up card media demonstrated efficacy in enhancing the speaking proficiency of eighth-grade students at SMPN 2 Gadingrejo during the first semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The findings also indicated that pop-up card media could be a viable alternative for instructing speaking skills.

Open Access