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Analisis Penalaran Pada Soal Bilangan Dalam Buku Matematika Sekolah Dasar

This study aims 1) to analyze the reasoning of number problems in mathematics books in elementary schools for low and high grades in the 2013 curriculum; 2) To find out what reasoning students use in working on math number problems at the elementary school. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type. The subject to be investigated in this study is the student book of SDN 101944 Deli Muda, Perbaungan District, Serdang Bedagai Regency. The instruments used in this study were test instruments, interviews, observation and documentation. While the data analysis technique in this study is using data analysis techniques from Miles and Huberman. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that based on the results of the research and discussion that has been described in chapter IV, the types of reasoning on number questions in elementary mathematics books can be concluded as follows: 1) The questions given to students for low to high grades are questions - questions that students have studied in the previous lesson in the teaching and learning process (PBM), where 83.3% of the questions are the IR reasoning type and 16.6% of the questions are the CR reasoning type; and 2) 86.58% of the questions given in mathematics books for elementary school students from low to high grades by Grafindo Media Pratama publishers were questions of the IR reasoning type and 13.42% were questions of the CR reasoning type.

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Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Siswa MAN 2 Pesisir Selatan

The objective of this research is to determine the influence of learning media and learning motivation on the learning outcomes of economics subject among students at MAN 2 Pesisir Selatan. Additionally, the study aims to examine the combined effect of learning media and learning motivation on the learning outcomes of economics subject among students at MAN 2 Pesisir Selatan. The research will be conducted in two stages. The first stage involves a preliminary survey to gather data on the population size and sample to be surveyed. In the second stage, the instrument will be piloted, followed by data collection. The chosen research design is descriptive quantitative. Descriptive research aims to present factual and comprehensive characteristics of the population in a systematic manner. The research will utilize experimental method and random sampling to select a sample of 120 students from the entire population of MAN 2 Pesisir Selatan. Data collection will take place in May 2023 using class questionnaires and direct experiments. The results of this study indicate that learning outcomes are influenced by learning media, as indicated by the F-value = 0.000 < 0.05. Further testing of the learning media is shown by the t-value = 0.000 < 0.05. This confirms that the learning outcomes of the economics subject improve when measured against explanatory media. The learning outcomes of the economics subject are influenced by learning motivation, as indicated by the F-value = 0.000 < 0.05. Further motivation tests also show a t-value = 0.000 < 0.05.

Open Access
Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Cooperative Integretet Reading And Composition Terhadap Peningkatan Reasoning Ability Pembelajaran Fiqih Pada Siswa Kelas VIII MTs YASPEND Muslim Pematang Tengah Kec. Tanjung Pura

 The background of this research is that based on the identification carried out by the researchers at the research location, namely: The learning that has been carried out so far in class VIII of MTs Yaspend Muslim specifically for Fiqh subjects does not emphasize learning by providing direct learning experiences through the development of process skills, scientific attitudes and lack of developing reasoning. This causes the low reasoning ability of students. The objectives of this research are: To determine the effect of the cooperative learning method integretet reading and composition on increasing reasoning in learning fiqh students in class VIII MTs Yaspend Muslim. The type of research used in this study is a quantitative research method. In this study the form of the instrument used is in the form of a questionnaire using a Likert scale attitude that has been modified with the following assessments: often scores 3, Rarely scores 2, and Never scores 1. The results of this study are: The results of hypothesis testing are also carried out independently. partial with the significance or the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable that, the tcount (partial) for the cooperative integret reading and composition learning method is 2,672 with a significance level of 0.01, the cooperative integrete reading and composition learning method variable has a positive and significant effect on increasing reasoning Students with a value of tcount (2.672) > ttable (2.021) and a significant value (0.01) <0.05 indicates that the cooperative integretet reading and composition learning method has a positive and significant effect on the improvement of students' reasoning. This can be seen with a significant value of 0.01 which is smaller than = 0.05. The cooperative integret reading and composition learning method will be able to improve students' reasoning because the better and better the cooperative integrete reading and composition learning method made by the teacher, students will get an increase in affective, cognitive, and psychomotor aspects in the classroom. Students will also look more active and critical, this is what causes the positive effect of the cooperative integrated reading and composition learning method on the improvement of students' reasoning.

Open Access
Kinerja Pengawas Dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru di SMA Negeri 1 Pacet

The focus of this research is on the performance of supervisors in improving the professionalism of teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Pacet and the results of their performance in enhancing the professionalism of teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Pacet. This study adopts a qualitative approach with a descriptive design, and the location of the research is at SMA Negeri 1 Pacet. The data collection methods include interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis is conducted using the Mathew Miles and A. Michael Huberman model, which involves data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing (verification). The results indicate that the performance of supervisors at SMA Negeri 1 Pacet has not met the expected standards, as they have not been able to carry out their duties to the fullest. This includes monitoring the content and process standards, handling counseling problems, and providing professional training for teachers and the school principal. The professionalism of teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Pacet is also lacking or has not met expectations. Indicators of this lack of professionalism include inadequate skills in lesson planning and management. Furthermore, the performance of supervisors in enhancing the professionalism of teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Pacet has not been effective. The indicators include the lack of impact of supervisors' performance on enhancing teachers' skills in lesson planning, implementation, and assessment. The factors hindering the performance of supervisors include their lack of professionalism and some teachers' reluctance to follow the guidance provided by supervisors. The solution to these issues is to enhance the professionalism of supervisors and improve communication with the teachers they supervise.

Open Access